Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Off the grid, continues...

August 24, 2015

My maternal human calls it a chipmunk.  I call it a toy...   And look at the meat on that ground squirrel.  wow!   My paternal human let me off the leash so I could chase one.  I had it!  It was so much fun!  And then the human picked me up and put me back on the leash.  Huh?  I wasn't done!

This California girl is not used to wearing sweats and a jacket in August!  A little less cold here,  just 20 miles from Stanley.  We were told Stanley consistently rates as one of the coldest places in the lower 48 states.  I believe it!  With the time change, it gets light a little later in the morning making it easier to sleep in some.  And since we are off the grid, we have no clocks to tell us what to do, and when.  Thus we slept in till 7:30.  And we took our sweet time venturing outside.  Made some coffee and enjoyed the scenery.

Eventually, as the sun crested over the mountain and started to warm things up a little, we got our bikes ready and pedaled up the road along the river.   The road is not maintained, but as we found out, there is a ranch back there so somebody does some amount of upkeep.  It is the Robinson Bar Ranch, recently owned by Carole King.  We just followed the river.  We saw rafters, and fishermen.  There is one lone campsite right on the river.  This wilderness area is definitely set up for hard core campers.  Yet many are conducive to RVs too. 

We decided to stay another day here, even though we don't have a fishing license and the river is calling our name.  What to do...  read, I wire wrapped a stone my friend Sandy gave me.  

There was a ground squirrel taunting Rudy.  Apparently, he knew just how far Rudy's leash would allow him to go, and he stayed out of reach... until Spouse undid Rudy's leash then the fun began!  Zooooom, zooom, squeak!  Zooom, zoom, roll over and squeak.  Zoom some more!  Rudy could have had him but chose to chase him instead.  Spouse picked him up before Rudy could do the poor critter in!  Quite the cardio workout for them!  We put Rudy back in Hannah where he passed out from exhaustion!  Nobody is gonna make a fool out of Spouse's son!

Did a little fishing... shhhhh, no license yet.  We are planning to do that in Salmon.  There should be a way to buy a fishing license here in the campground.  Anyhow, I caught 3, let them go.  Spouse was afraid to get caught.  What a weenie...  Really, we don't like fishing without the license.  It just wasn't easily available. 

Another campfire and a visit from our neighbors, Jeff and Mary Pat from Cincinnati.  Some great stories.  They are in their mid sixties and still tent camping, and travelling all over doing it.  Good for them!

As our heads hit the pillow in our comfortable, cozy bed, we could smell the scent of campfire in our hair.  Love it! 

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