Sunday, August 16, 2015

Reno and family

August 14, 2015

Yesterday, I helped my paternal human with his grooming.  Today I helped my maternal human.  She puts this thing in her mouth and hangs over the sink.  She foams at the mouth.  I must get in the sink to make sure she doesn't fall in. 

Spouse and I did a morning walk together, for the most part.  Not any options but to walk along the hwy.  The RV park backs up to a beautiful rocky bluff.  Across the street is a scenic vista of endless meadows, with cottonwood trees hugging the banks of a creek.  A choir of cows serenaded us as we walked by.  Beyond are more mountains.  The shoulder is quite wide so it really is not a bad walk at all, except for those darned cars that pass.

We got back and readied Hannah for the ride to Reno.  It is less than 100 miles but much of it is stop and go.  We chose Rivers Edge RV park as it is right on the Truckee River.  There is a bike path/ walking trail right behind the park.  It is an old park and most of the trailers look like they are permanent residents, with potted gardens and decks.  The internet access is extremely poor.  And... we sit right under a runway at Reno International Airport.  Rudy does NOT like those planes taking off.  He is doing his best to hide under the bed.

After getting settled, we headed to visit my cousin Joy and her husband Dennis, and my aunt June.  Technically, they are not blood relatives.  June, who is 90, and my mom went to school together so they are our chosen family.  We saw them far more than we saw my mom's other siblings.  Joy is a jazz singer, Dennis is a retired school principal, but does magic now, and it is lots of fun.  June is a liberal democrat which is lots of fun for Spouse, being a libertarian.  It was a great visit.  On a sad note, Joy had just said goodbye to a lifelong friend that is expected to pass any moment.  Sad, but we didn't let it ruin the evening.

When we got back to Hannah, Rudy let us know how much he missed us by doing all sorts of running, flying, chasing and such.  He missed his humans!

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