Saturday, June 12, 2021

June 10, 2021 Bye Butch and Lynn and Hi Angel Oak



June 10, 2021



My humans did not fill my food bowl.  It was only half full.  I must wake them and let them know I will not be having this.

Woke up this morning to sunny skies.  Wow, haven’t seen those in a while!

My morning walk had me risking my life walking to the grocery store.  I now know how to cut the corner and I can cross the street.  But from there, do I walk down the Savannah Highway or do I walk down the side street?  I check it out.  The side street looks much more survivable.  Once these semis move on, I think I can time the traffic to make the 100 yard push.  After surviving that and getting our breakfast stuff, I now have to get back.  It’s only 100 yards…  And the light is in my favor.  The light is so long that I can almost make the entire distance before having to take evasive action.  SCORED! 

Butch and Lynn arrive, Spouse cooks a good breakfast and we chow.  It has been a short visit, but wonderful nonetheless.  We were so thankful that they were able to squeeze us in given that they are getting ready to head north for their own excursion.  Off they go back to the other Carolina!


We decided to go see Angel Oak.  This is an oak tree, so what’s the big deal, right?  It is about 400 years old and spans an acre with its broad branches.  It gets a little help from some wood beams on some of the branches so they don’t come crashing down.  Think about it… it was here when the revolutionary war happened!  What stories it could tell!  Ferns are growing on many of its branches.  There are workers who are spraying wood chips around the park area.  Sure makes me wonder… Are they spreading part of Angel Oak?  Say it ain’t so!  There is a tiny oak sitting in front of old Angel that is from one of her acorns.  It is only 3 years old…  Live lone and prosper my little one!

Back at Hannah, we had to do some responsibility things.  Our stairs are bent and falling apart.  They are like walking on a swinging bridge.  Spouse has braced them.  At first, it was a hillbilly fix with wood and scraps.  Then he took some of our chalks and a jack and propped them up.  Not sure when we can get new ones.  He has made some calls and sent emails but has not gotten a response.  For now, the chalks and jack will have to work.


Spouse is no longer griping about transferring the bike rack from Hannah to the truck.  He so enjoyed the bike ride yesterday, that he totally forgot why he even griped about it!

Tomorrow, we head to Savannah, which is our last leg before we start the journey back west.  As for this RV park, the WI-FI sucks.



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