Thursday, June 24, 2021

June 24, 2021 Are you f'n kidding me?


June 24, 2021

MEOWT!!!  I sit in front of my humans face until they take me outside for a walk.  I rub their muzzle.  I make them move.

Our morning walk was to the grocery store.  Why not?  It is less than a mile, unless Spouse looks at google and directs us the wrong way, and then if you take some shortcuts that don’t pan out, it is about a 3 ½ mile walk!  Perfect!

We then ready Hannah and head south on hwy 550 to the town of Ouray.  Ouray sits in a narrow sliver of a valley surrounded by the tallest peaks of the San Juan mountains.  It is a stunning setting at about 8000 feet.  Rocky crags are decorated with pines and aspens.  It is extremely rugged looking.  There are rivers and waterfalls and every angle is new ‘ah’ moment.

We get an RV spot at Riverside… at $90!!  With taxes, it is over $100, the most we have ever spent by far for an RV site.  The town is crowded.  The lady at the visitor center said they were inundated this year, and they lost a campground in Silverton about 20 miles down the road due to fire so things were cozy.  But we got a site for the nite, and that’s all that matters.  WE then unhooked for Spouse’s adventure.

First, let me say I had a pretty bad headache and the medication makes me sleepy.  So I am a fine partner for this experience.  We are going to do the Alpine loop trail, which is an off road trail in the high country.  On a scale of 1-5 with 1 being easy and 5 being suicidal, this trail is a 3.

When we get there, Spouse let’s some air out of the tires to make a more pleasant ride.  I am looking at it and I don’t like what I see right at the get go.  We start the rock climbing.  Spouse is convinced that the beginning is the roughest part.  It starts to rain just a bit to add to the fun.  We are in 4WD, and rock climbing.  This is not some mamby pamby dirt road.  This is ROCK CLIMBING!  Our turning radius is not good so we have to back up to make turns.  This is my thought…

Are you f’n kidding me?  This trail is 90 miles???  No f’n way!  This will eat our truck right up.  Technically, it could do it, but at what cost?  Are you f’n kidding me?  After about ½ mile, we were going to have to really climb some rocks.  Spouse was able to turn the truck around just as a car turned the corner.  Spouse talked to the guy and he said it gets far worse, but it is doable…  No f’n way in our truck.  And he originally wanted to do the Imogene trail which is a 4/5 difficulty.  Is he f’n crazy???? 

After a break for lunch and a shortened walk around town as the rain began to fall in earnest, we headed back to Hannah.  I needed to sleep my headache away, and I drifted off as the thunder and rain serenaded me.

When I came back to life, my headache almost gone, we toured around a little.  This place is absolutely beautiful.  Tomorrow, we just might rent an off road vehicle and tackle one of these trails.  But not in the rain…

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