Friday, June 18, 2021

June 18, 2021 Catching up with Cheryl Ward


June 18, 2021

My humans took me on long walks this morning.  Things smell so good.  I got to sniff and snort.  I whined when they picked me up.  I whined loudly!

My morning walk took me to… well, nowhere really.  I walked the park grounds several times.  Did not want to go beyond the park onto the busy highway, so I made the long entrance and park roads work to get some exercise.

Then we readied Hannah for her next journey.  We leave Tupelo on I22 north west to Memphis.  I think we have seen more or Mississippi than people that are born here!  It is about 110 miles to Memphis and I22 is an easy drive til it turns into Hwy 78.  Then the road construction begins.  The roads are awfully bumpy, there is traffic with loads of trucks, it is slow slow slow.  At one point, I see Hwy 175 and I see on the map where I can cut over to I55 using that.  But the street sign says I75 EAST.  I want west.  Can’t I turn left?  Why would they specify only the east.  Better stay put for the 2 more miserable miles to I240.  I240 will take us around to I55 where we will cross the Mississippi with a million of our closest friends.  You see, the I40 crossing is closed as the bridge needs repair work. It is a scandalous situation where they are thinking of bringing criminal charges against the bridge inspector.  Anyhow, I40 is closed so everybody is using I55.  Going in our direction, it at least moved reasonably well.  The other direction looks paralyzing!  Oh well, not our problem anymore.

Staying on 55 to 555 then onto 63 heading to West Plains, Missouri.  Once we leave Jonesboro and the 555, the road gets rural.  We go through farms, pass streams and it is all green.  Then we start hitting the Ozarks.  Up we go, around the corner, then down then up.  We slow through towns, but in general, we are moving at a good clip.

We have a park lined up in West Plains so Lady Gagarmin is showing us the way.  Hmmm…. She says we still have 11 miles to a turn, then another 6 miles after that, but I just saw a sign on the street that said the RV park was 7 miles ahead.  Since I am driving, I have Spouse verify I have the right thing in Lady Gagarmin.  He re-does it… still the same.  I pull over and call the park.  They told me to follow the signs.  When we pulled into the park, Lady Gagarmin said we still had almost 6 miles til we turn and another 6 after that…  Once we got in the driveway, she changed her mind…  I hate her! If I hadn’t seen the sign on the street, who knows where we would have ended up!

We set up Hannah, then headed over to a friend’s house.  Cheryl Ward and I worked together many years ago.  When the Northridge earthquake hit in 1994, she decided she had had enough fun in Los Angeles and moved out here.  We have kept in touch occasionally through the years, and when Spouse decided he wanted to see Branson, the route took us right through Cheryl’s town.  WE had a great visit, and we ate at one of the few restaurants in town (Ruby Tuesday) where they had a fabulous mai tai!  It is always great to catch up with folks.


Back to Hannah… Rudy needed an outdoor fix.  He is getting cabin fever…

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