Friday, June 25, 2021

June 25, 2021 Heading towards home


June 25, 2021

I have been in the little car that moves FOREVER!  When my maternal human talks to me to come out, I scratch my claws on the floor of the little car that moves.  It makes me feel better.

We had talked about maybe renting an off road vehicle to do one of the trails here, but the forecast is for rain off and on and we would not have a site and…  naw.  Just wouldn’t work.  Thus I took a walk around the area.  Found some beautiful homes with killer views.  One isn’t finished yet and I peeked in the front doors… wow!  I talked to a guy that does work around there and he says it is hard to get people to do the work.  This house has been in process for two years and is still quite a ways from being finished.

Back at Hannah, we decided to eat breakfast at the café in the RV park.  The wait was FOREVER…  but the food was quite good.  Then we hit the road…  Hwy 550 going south… the road that is NOT for anybody with a fear of heights.

The road is a small mountain road.  For the first 8 miles or so, there is solid rock rising from the road to the heavens on our left.  On our right, is a drop off of at least a million feet.  Spouse likes to ‘Doug the right side of the road’, but not here!  That would be a fatal mistake.  The speed limit is 15mph, and that is too fast.  The road curves, then curves.  It is beautiful as long as you don’t look down or to the sides.  Eventually, the road widens so you no longer have to hold your breath.  The drop-offs would still kill you but they are only about 100 feet or so.

The valley is magnificent.  The rocky crags are so steep, and the valley really is so narrow which accentuates the height and strength of the peaks, and the trees, and the waterfalls.  For a few minutes, the road evens and we can even go 55 mph.  Then back to curves, drop-offs and curves and rocky peaks.  This pretty much goes on all the way to Silverton, about 23 miles south.  There are lakes, and ponds and meadows with meandering streams.  The scenery is stunning.  It has been raining off and on the entire way which adds to the fun of driving this road. 

At Durango, we checked to see if our old maintenance guy from our mobile home park was around, and he was so we headed to our old place.  Only he wasn’t there… go figure.  We walked around.  One of the old tenants told us they want us back!  Sweet.  We left without seeing our buddy and decided to head home. 

We could either go through the Grand Canyon which is actually about 30 miles less, or on main roads.  There is rain…  going through the Grand Canyon on the back roads without cell service in the rain did not sound like a good idea, so main roads we took.  The boring 491…  I was driving and was able to stay awake the whole time!

We ended up at the Elks Lodge in Winslow, Arizona.  Tomorrow we should be home… 556 miles… ugh… Unless we change our minds...

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