Friday, June 4, 2021

June 4, 2021Off the road again


June 4, 2021

My humans let me sit outside in my chair today.  First they put me in the chair and I jumped out.  Then I jumped in the chair so they knew it was MY idea.


The morning is cloudy, but there is some blue sky too.  I wore my poncho on my walk, but didn’t need it.  Spouse started the walk with me up the road.  It is rural here, not many cars.  Some small homes, some large properties.  After Spouse left, I continued up a dirt road to nowhere.  Up, up and up, then I turned around and headed back.

Spouse said he wanted to try a Waffle House.  I tried to discourage him to no avail, but Joe, the park owner gave other options.  We headed back to the town of Cherokee at the base of the Smokey Mountain National Park.  I had seen a Flapjack restaurant there yesterday so we ended up there today.  It was crowded so we took a seat at the counter, which was almost up to my neck.  A nice lady sat next to me and we started chatting.  We talked orchids!  She pulled out her phone with pictures and I pulled out mine.  She told me that the orchid nursery I want to go to – Carter and Holmes – is someplace she goes to all the time.  She says the owners are aging and are expecting to sell it in the near future.  It is one of the oldest nurseries in the orchid world! 

I never even knew Spouse was on the other side of me!  She gave us ideas on how we should get to Charleston.  She said there is road construction, so we are better off taking the long, pretty route, rather than the most direct route.  She also gave a recommendation for an RV park, but we could not get our dates.  Looks like we may have an issue with that.  We are hoping to hook up with our friends Butch and Lynn Weaver so we will see what shakes out.  One place wants you to call them, but we have no cell service so we will get on that tomorrow.

The town of Cherokee is at the entrance of the National Park.  Like Gatlinburg, there are hotels, restaurants and millions of gift shops.  The difference here is that apparently, everything is advertised as being made by Indians.  It comes as no surprise that this is on a Cherokee Indian reservation.  So not only are the prices the normal 25% mark up, add another 15% mark up because things are Indian made.  Such a deal…

We headed back to Hannah for a second, then decided to take the road past our RV park into the ether zone.  Joe the owner said it goes back on a dirt road and to a mine.  So, off we head.  We pass some homes then the dirt road begins.  A few more homes, then the forest.  The road isn’t bad and it is climbing.  At times, it does start to feel like Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride.  We rock, we turn sharply, we bounce, we crawl.  We twist, we turn.  We couldn’t turn around even if we wanted to!  We cross a stream, then another…  I don’t know where this mine may be but we are miles and miles into this.  WE come to an intersection called Government Rd. according to the GPS.  WE go right for a couple of miles.  Naw, let’s turn around and go the other way.  We then start going up, and up.  At one point I get glimpses of a view and realize we are bouncing on a tiny spine and there right beyond the trees are steep drops.  So I don’t look and we continue till we find an area where people have camped, based on the campfire ring.  Probably a hunting outpost. 

I saw a wild azalea that was orange.  Never have I seen anything like that!  WE could see that the road ends shortly so we headed back.  Unfortunately, Spouse thought he was going over a piece of wood so he centered so we wouldn’t hit it, and it turned out to be a rattlesnake.  It was still alive but you could tell his neck was damaged.  I was so distraught over the poor thing.  I would like to put rose colored lenses on and think he will heal and all will be better, but I don’t expect that will be his reality.  We both felt so badly about that.

Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride was not so bouncy coming down hill.  We did pass a motorcycle with a rider on the back.  That is one challenging road to be riding bitch on the back, but I guess it will keep good weight over the back tire!

WE have really enjoyed the Timberlake RV park.  It is not the type of park for everybody.  It is out of the way.  We do not have a sewer hookup but there is a dumping station.  It is extremely poorly graded.  The speed limit is 3MPH.  I think they should have a sign that says 3MPH unless you want everything in your cabinets to come flying out!  But the sites are huge and woodsy.  There is the creek running behind us.  We have a fire ring and fire wood.  It isn’t crowded.  It is totally homey.





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