September 1,
2022 The Fates Exact Revenge
I am
popular. Humans flock to me and I let
them touch me. Canines bark at me, and I
don’t let THEM touch me. It is
exhausting being so attractive.
When we
first started talking about retiring Hannah, Spouse talked about all the work
he has done on her. Then he said
this… help us now… ‘I’ve pretty much
gone through her, so there is not much that could go wrong now’.
Are you
kidding? How could he do that! He threw down the gauntlet and the fates
heard it, I am sure. I did not respond. Maybe if I don’t acknowledge this dare, it
didn’t happen, right? Like if I cover my
eyes with my hands, then you can’t see me, right? What was he thinking?
Several days
pass… then this morning… Spouse opens the refrigerator and the door
falls off in his hand and onto his foot, spilling all the contents across the
floor. Of all the things that could go
wrong, this was not even on my radar.
Fortunately, no damage to his foot, and although there was a little
spillage, nothing broke. As Spouse stood
there dumbfounded, I did what I could do to help… I took a picture and texted
to my RV homies! Hmm, make sure I have
no typos on my text – tick tock tick tock…
oops… fat finger, let me retype that… Finally, I helped him pick up the
Now that he
was awake, what are we going to do now?
Youtube videos gave Spouse some ideas.
While we were picking up the mess, we found a screw here, a nut
there. Then Mr. Fix-up put on his cape
with the big FU (fix up) and left for Walmart for some epoxy.
While he is
gone, I get some walking in. Totally
uneventful. When I got back he had
epoxied the damaged hinge, and now we had to let it cure. We put some of the fridge contents in the
mini fridge my spouse keeps in the truck.
I cooked breakfast and it was so nice just reaching inside the fridge
without dealing with the door. After the
epoxy was cured to Spouse’s satisfaction, he applied Gorilla tape to make it
extra secure. The moment of truth came
when we actually got the door in place and was able to screw it in. Will it last?
Who knows, but it did make some decisions for us. We had talked about staying in Reno a few
days to visit people. But given that our
days feel numbered, we skipped that and headed straight to Grass Valley to
visit Rick and Sue.

Taking hwy.
50 to I80 west… OMG so boring, it actually hurts the eyes. Then we pass into California and start over
the beautiful Donner Pass. Mountains,
pines, the Truckee River and Donner Lake guide us along to hwy. 20, which is
basically a two lane road through a thick pine forest. Alas we arrive at the Bain house.
Rick and Sue
have a large property, and we have stayed by the barn before. This time we thought we would come in from a
different angle… I must apologize to our
truck and to Hannah… this won’t happen again…
Time for a