Monday, August 29, 2022

August 29, 2022 Houston, we have a problem... plus we have no ice cream!


August 29, 2022  Houston, We Have a Problem

I like when my humans take me to the grassy area.  They let me roam free and sometimes I sneak away.  Then they chase me but I can fit under the big houses that move.  Ha ha!

My morning walk was early, and I stayed close to home as I wasn’t sure what time Bill would be here with Arty.  The plan is that we need to move Hannah to one of the dry camp spaces so that Arty can go in the space with full hookups.  Spouse wants to test the tanks, valves and do all the guy things that he is into doing. 

When Bill got there, the shenanigans began.  I had the liberty of backing up Hannah, all by myself.  I have backed up many a boat through the years, but I had only driven Hannah forwards, so I broke my ‘back up’ cherry today. 

Bill was fabulous.  He walked Spouse through everything with his chipper personality.  He has really taken good care of this rig.  After the lessons, he left so Spouse could do his thing.  He filled all the tanks.  He checked this and that.  I started taking inventory.  The rig has silverware, pots and pans and all sorts of stuff.  I thought I would test the shower by actually taking a shower.  If I wasn’t sold on the rig before, the shower won me over!  Great showerhead and water pressure.  I was in love. 

Then I heard the words…  there is a leak in the black tank…  this could be a deal breaker.  These types of problems can take you down a rabbit hole to who knows where.  Spouse called Bill, and he came to get Arty.  He thanked Spouse and said he would have it fixed and asked if we still wanted it once it was fixed.   YES!  So, for the time being, Arty is not ours… sigh.  And I had the pleasure of back up duty when we moved Hannah back to the hookup site.  The rig is not quite as responsive as a boat, but I can do it.

So, tomorrow we start the most boring part of this trip… we are going to cross Nevada on hwy. 6.  Hwy 6 is also known as the loneliest highway in the country.  We will head towards Reno, then to Grass Valley to visit our friends Rick and Sue.

Stay tuned so that you too can enjoy the various shades of brown Nevada has to offer.

Normally, I don’t like to publish the blog on the same day that I write it.  But I have no idea where we will be tomorrow and if we will have wi-fi so hang tight.

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