Saturday, August 27, 2022

August 26, 2022 Transacting Business

August 26, 2022  Wherefore Arty Thou?

My humans picked me up and took me away from my birdies.  How can they do that?  I am not gonna look at them all day.  I will teach them a lesson… taking my birdies from me… sheesh…

 I decided to do an early morning walk around the RV park.  This place is huge.  In the over 21 area,  there are well over 100 RVs (at $197 per night!) all in their huge spotlessly clean sites.  There are pickleball courts, pools, spas, and all sorts of amenities.  Back in the sane zone, there is pretty much the same but not quite as nice.  We wanted to get an early jump on getting a site at the Elks in Provo.  It is first come/first serve, and we don’t know how many days we will be here so this would be so perfect for us.

We load Rudy who is totally pissed that we are taking him away from his birds.  He is facing away from us and won’t make eye contact.  He must be really pissed!

We leave the campground and head for Provo Canyon.  Starting with a reservoir at Deer Creek State Park, we see some early skiiers in the water.  Around the next corner, we see a sailboat at anchor…  Hmmm… take advantage of that early glass you skiiers as I suspect it gets quite windy here!

Then the canyon begins.  Huge rocky walls dotted with pines line the way for about 10 miles of utter beauty.  There is road construction, so it is slow going with Hannah.  There is a river running alongside us, calm in some places, rushing in others.  There are a few waterfalls cascading down the slopes.  There are lots of parks worthy of exploring.  Coming into Provo, BYU is the dominant sight.  Lots of businesses line the roads, and a few old houses here and there. 

Arriving at the Elks, it is not yet 9am, there are two openings.  We take the easy one!  YES!  They have five sites with full hookups, and 3 dry camping sites.  By the end of the day, all were taken.  These sites are not pretty to look at.  They are large RV parking spaces on nice new blacktop.  The services are all in the back so you have to run your sewer line quite a ways.  This makes it difficult for us to let Rudy out as he will tangle himself in someone’s sewer line.  The Elks have a little veterans war park right next to the sites with grass and raised garden beds.  We take Rudy over there and we can let him roam without a leash, as long as we keep an eye on him.  He can only be trusted so far.

After we set up, we met up with Bill, the owner of the Arctic Fox rig Spouse has been drooling over…  And yes… it will be ours.  It is a 2018 with about 6000 miles on it (in contrast, Hannah has over 100,000 miles on her).  It has lots of bells and whistles and the price is right so now we have a dilemma…  we need to get them both home.  Obviously, not at the same time!  We will figure it out… I hope!  We have to wait for money to transfer, so we have a few days here in Provo.  And the deal is not a done deal till the money is in Bill’s hands.

We headed back into Provo Canyon, checking out a few of the parks.  There are walking trails and bike trails along the river.  And a great view of the waterfalls.  We checked out the Sundance ski area for just a minute.  The chairlift is running but I don’t see anybody on it.  But I bet is a gorgeous view at the top.  It is late, we are low on fuel, we know we need to come back and look at these places a lot closer. 

Part of me is very sad to be giving Hannah up.  She has been so good to us, and I love her layout.  It is so hard to get newer rigs with a layout that is as good.  Arty (the new rig) is a bit bigger, but with a similar layout.  Some things I like, some things I don’t but it is just a matter of figuring it out and adjusting.  Rudy…  there will be a few new rules…

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