Thursday, August 25, 2022

August 25, 2022 Going West

August 25, 2022  Go West Young Man

I caught a birdie! I caught a birdie!  But my maternal human took it away from me as soon as I caught.  She set it free and it flew away.  Why did she do that?  I just started to have fun with it!

Not much of a morning walk.  The campground crosses the Yampa River but there are no real trails.  You might get a couple of hundred feet but that is it.  So I walked around the park.  I am quite religious with my walks, so I turned on a podcast and before I knew it, I had over 7000 steps.

Back at Hannah, we readied her for her next journey.  Bringing in her slider is painful, but we can still do it, so on we go.  We head west on hwy 40.  Surprisingly enough, at night there was total silence up against hwy. 40.  It was totally quiet and dark.  But now, there are cars on the road. 

The scenery is rolling hill high desert.  It’s almost like a patchwork quilt where one area is nothing but grass, another has stunted pines, and another has the desert sage.  There are a few ranches here and there and you can follow the river by the growth of the trees.  It really is quite pretty given that there are hardly any cars out here. 

We stopped in the town of Maybel at a park so we could make lunch.  Rudy wants no part of being inside.  He wanted to explore.  We gave him a little time but he is getting demanding.

The more west we go, the more arid it becomes.  As we cross into Utah, throw in a hint of red to the soil.  The rolling hills become flat and it becomes more of the monotonous desert for a while.  Then add a reservoir or two, a mountain pass. And some beautiful green meadows and we couldn’t seem to stop driving even though we knew we needed to.

Normally, we are off the road by 3, but we kind of crossed a line.  We either stopped too early, or we were gonna stop too late, which is what we did.  We know there is an Elks in Provo we could do, but by the time we got to Heber City, we were done.  We pulled into Mountaine Valley RV resort.. Oh my… we are in the poor section.  There is an over 21 section… with the really expensive rigs… oh my… at $197 per night… oh my!  It was a little tough getting into our site as there wasn’t much swing room, but we ultimately got in.  I put Rudy outside as we started setting up.  It was all of 5 seconds before he was on this little sparrow.  Fortunately, I was able to get him off before any real damage was done.  I think it had just fledged and was learning the ropes.  I hope he learned this lesson…  Rudy will never forgive me!

Clouds have been threatening all day.  It rained around us, but we only got a few drops.  Good… kept the temperature down… but we are back to shorts and ready for the heat.

Tomorrow, we are going to relocate to the Elks if we can.  Seems Labor Day Weekend is a big thing over here so lodging could become problematic.

The Wi-fi at this high end park sucks!

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