Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Somebody had a bad day on hole 15... It wasn't one of us though!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011: Bambi don't go

Sure did sleep good last night. I had the bed all to myself... no other snoring but my own! Another gray day and I was hoping it would not rain before I finished my round of golf.

I first took my powerwalk, then made some snacks for the day. I told the boys that the day was theirs to do pretty much what they wanted after they vacuumed and cleaned up Hannah. I told them they might want to get off their behinds and walk into town since it is less than a mile away, but somehow I knew they were going to veg out on the computer.

Our friend Bill showed up at 9:00 am, and off we went to Horseshoe Lake golf course, which was just a short drive away. There was nobody on the course so we could just take our time. Which version of me would show up today... On the first hole, we saw two does and two fawns. BAMBI! I think they were laughing at me...

The course is very woodsy and outside of the 4 par 3 holes, there was only one hole that did not have some type of dog leg (or maybe in this case, a horseshoe!). Having no knowledge of the course, I definitely would have made some different club selections, but I still did ok, even though my second shot wasn't working once again. One of my evil twins definitely haunted me in the fairways. I did not lose one ball to the water, and there were a few water holes, nor did I go into one sandtrap (there are only two sandtraps on the course!).

The course only allows you to walk the front nine. You have to take a cart on the back nine. After nine, I put my clubs on Bill's cart and we continued on. I walked for the most part and Bill drove. Then I saw the reason for the cart... the paths between the holes are very long... very steep through some beautiful woods. And, they are not marked, so you can go a long ways down the wrong path, then have to double back to find the right hole. I wonder if they ever heard of putting up directional signs. I don't think it is a new concept...

All in all, it was a pleasurable experience. We went in for the 19th hole, and found they only had beer and wine, so we figured we would go someplace else. As we got in the car, it started to rain. Ha ha! We already finished our round! We went to a sportsbar, and they only had beer and wine too. What a boring sportsbar that must be. We then went to a mexican restaurant down the street from the RV park and had chips and salsa with our after golf drinks.

We finished and headed back, seeing Dallas walking toward town. Hmmmm... it is 3:00, and he is just leaving for town??? He said Crew was a bit behind him. When we got back to Hannah, Crew was... ahem... bringing the laptop back... As I expected, they had spent all day on the computer. Oh well, I guess they did what they wanted to do even if I feel it was a giant waste of being in such a beautiful place.

It is after 7pm and I still haven't heard from Spouse as to how his day went. But according to my stepdaughter Carrie, she heard from her husband that they all caught a salmon today. Tomorrow, I expect them to catch some halibut... and more salmon...

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