Saturday, July 23, 2011

Good Afternoon Vietnam!

Saturday, July 23, 2011: Good Afternoon Vietnam

San Francisco makes my imagination go crazy. Too many Dirty Harry movies. And the zodiac killer, whatever happened to him? Well, today on my power walk, I am sure I saw him, as well as some of Dirty Harry's adversaries. Such sour expressions on people's faces. Hah! I had a good walk anyway!

Today our plan is to divide and conquer. Spouse would take the boys to the Golden Gate Bridge while I would go to Golden Gate Park. There is a flower conservatory which has piqued my interest, as well as the Science Museum.

Golden Gate Park is a massive expanse of parklands dotted with museums and such. There are gazillions of walking trails and biking trails. Part of it is woodsy, part of it is immaculately landscaped. But all of it is pretty crowded! Since GG park is on the way to the bridge, Spouse dropped me off, and off they went.

My first venture was to the flower conservatory, which was about a 15 minute walk from where I got deposited. Snort, snort, snort... I did not take one clipping! The displays were beautiful, but my orchids are every bit as nice or even nicer!

Back to the Science Museum... pretty pricey... but lots to see. There is a huge rainforest, with butterflies, fish and a couple of macaws. It is quite impressive to wind your way through the various layers of the forest to the top, where the warmth and humidity started to make me wilt. Then the elevator takes you down to the aquarium. Ahhh, nice and cool. Fresh water, salt water, cold water, warm water... it was all there. Some spectacular sea horse specimens drew the crowd. I particularly enjoyed walking through the aquarium tunnel where you get up close to all the critters.

There was an entire display of lizards and snakes and frogs. There were pythons, anacondas, iguanas, and a whole lot more. Everywhere I turned was another interesting critter. It was a wait to get into the planetarium, so I missed that. I did visit the living roof, which has all sorts of interesting flora to explore.

In the meantime, the boys enjoyed Fort Point, which is on the point right near the GG bridge. Then they walked part of the bridge. Crew had aspired to pee off the bridge, but apparently, it was way too crowded for that. He had to settle for spitting!

Once we reconnected, we decided to go to a Vietnamese restaurant we had seen on the way up. The entire area was Vietnamese. Crew begged for Taco Bell, and he whined, but we dragged him to Pho Phu Quoc. Ok, say that real fast! We will call it the Quoc (pronounced cock?) for short! Dallas went willingly. Both of them learned that they can find edible food in some place other than a fast food restaurant! The pho was good (Spouse and I had Dallas' leftovers!). I couldn't speak to the phu or the quoc though! Dallas did quite well with chopsticks. Crew needs some work! But we had a good time at the Quoc.

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