Monday, July 18, 2011

Rain, rain, go away!

Saturday, July 16, 2011: Rain, rain, go away

Even though I was sleeping with earplugs, I could hear rain falling. Then I heard zoi-oi-oi-oi-ing. The vent in the galley area was open and it was on automatic. When it sensed the rain, it closed. Then zoi-oi-oi-oi-ing... it opened. Then zoi-oi-oi-oi-ing... it closed. Crew finally got up and closed it.

Up until now, the rain had been very intermittent. Five minutes here, five minutes there. But tonite, it was just plain there! Spouse was now home so in the morning, he could take Bart out and I could stay in bed listening to the rain. And I dozed. And I snuggled under the covers and dozed some more. I finally got up when I heard Spouse laboring in the kitchen on a big breakfast. The rain was letting up some so after we ate, it was powerwalk time. Spouse and Bart came for a short while, but most of it was mine to do alone with my ipod. The rain was very light and was pretty much a non-issue.

When I got back, I showered then we headed into town for an art festival. Local artists with their stuff lined the street. I even got a 10 minute massage... yes! Afterward, we did some grocery shopping and I dropped Spouse and the boys at the top of the Cushman Trail so they could walk home. Where Spouse noticed the sights on the trail, the boys never saw the big cedar tree - which Stevie Wonder could even see! For those of you who know I am a plant-o-phile, and maybe a stunning tree is just my thing... this tree is on the map the visitor center gives out to tourists! And it amazes me that Spouse never even pointed it out! Geez, they had to walk under its limbs! ARGH!

We decided to get all our laundry done, so tomorrow, when we pull anchor and start our descent back south, we are fresh and clean.

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