Friday, July 15, 2011

In a roundabout way...

Thursday, July 14, 2011: In a Roundabout way...

Another gray morning, except this time, it is actually sprinkling. Oh well, I have my rain jacket for my powerwalk. Back to the Cushman Trail, except I took it a little further and was rewarded with a magnificent view of the Puget Sound.

Got back and hmmm... the boys are gone and so is the laptop... Good! My time to veg out all by myself for a change. Right after I go to the store and pick up a few things. The onramp and offramp to our street is graced with a 'roundabout'. This is some sadistic traffic engineer's idea of a fun time. Because some anal person could not make a left turn, the roundabout came to be. All traffic makes right hand turns into a circle until the desired exit is achieved. The reality is it is a ticket to a demolition derby! Quick, go now! Wait! Honk honk! Other lane, quick! Out of my way! And with a big truck with mirrors that give the words 'blind spot' new meanings, these roundabouts are pure stress! Wait, that is the Burnham exit. Is it the right one though? Oops! Now I get to go into the traffic vortex again! ARGH!

Once back home, I face the big question of the day... should I drive to Seattle for the Seattle Mariner/Texas game? Or should we take the ferry? Given that Bart will be by himself for a long time, I figured I would drive and hope I would find parking.

Good decision! It was a piece of cake parking, then getting out after the game. Safeco Field is in the heart of the city. Our seats had a nice view of the city skyline. Dallas and Crew worked together to take some action photos... until the camera battery died. They actually enjoyed the game (Texas 5, Seattle 0). I didn't see either of them read their books at all! Right before the game started, the sky rats (sea gulls) started flocking overhead. PUT YOUR HOODS ON! We didn't get bombed, and once the game started, they seemed to stay away, except for an occasional stray. Then in the 9th inning, they started again. We headed to a lower level, and watched the rest of the game up close and personal.

Of course they fight for the shotgun seat in the truck. I am not sure why since they fall asleep so quickly. Crew barely makes it 10 minutes. Dallas stays awake a lot longer. But eventually, he does succomb to the sleep fairy.

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