Thursday, July 7, 2011

You Have Got to Be Kidding...

Thursday, July 7, 2011: You have got to be kidding...

Last night, I decided to sleep outside again. The sky is magical here and I wanted to enjoy it before we headed into RV-land again. But since we had neighbors, I had to move my bed to the entry side of Hannah. No big deal. After s'more time, I set myself up. I built a little fort with chairs and a blanket to block out our neighbors fire. It is 10:30 and they are sitting down for dinner.

Hey, bring me that fork. Oh I want some more spaghetti. They were not really loud, but sound does carry and it is a shame little kids do not get dinner till it is that late! But, I am able to put that aside and drift off to sleep. I am not sure what time it is but it is dark, the sky is doing its magical display and it sounds like Dallas is snoring big time. I toss. I turn. I finally decided I need to get up and close the door to Hannah. When I get up, it isn't Dallas, it is our neighbors way over there that are having a snoring competition! People like that should not be allowed to sleep in tents! It must have been around midnight. I heard some people across the way snickering and I am sure it was about the snorers and their 747 decibel attacks. I tried to lay down. Were they gonna suck the trees down? This is some loud stuff. In all my years of camping, I have never heard the likes of this! I finally decided to go inside and get earplugs. So, I climb over the boys' bed just as Spouse was going into the bathroom. I got some earplugs and went back outside. I stuffed the earplugs in deep... real deep. The snorers went down to a mild roar. Damn, even with ear plugs, they were off the decibel charts! But I didn't want to move out from under the magical sky. I can do this. I can doooo thissss... and off I drifted. The next thing I heard were birds screeching. Let me define SCREECHING! LOUD YELLS THAT PIERCE THE AIRWAVES! Then I heard voices. I thought it might be Spouse and the boys, but I think it was the snorers. Hah! Take that! I got out of bed and went into Hannah and got into to my own inside bed, snuggly and warm. It was already 6am, but another bit of rest would do me good.

We readied Hannah for departure and began our day. Our original idea was to head to the north side of Mt. St. Helens, but a thick marine layer had come in so we figured it would be a waste of time to go where we can't see the sight we wanted to see! So maybe we can see that on our way back. We headed north towards Seattle. We stopped to make lunch. We stopped at the grocery store. We started calling about where we would stay...

There are lots of RV parks around the Seattle area, and they are all booked! We finally ended up in one north of Seattle in Lynnwood. The space is tiny. When we put our stair out, it hits our neighbors electrical box. We decided to spend the night here, but not spend the next week here or we would be on the news for doing something illegal to our neighbors! We found one spot in Gig Harbor, without WIFI! It does have a WIFI area we can go to but I am not sure how much time we will be spending on that one. Thus, tomorrow we head back down to Gig Harbor.

Oh, by the way... I am sure it is shocking to know that it is raining in Seattle...

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