Monday, July 25, 2011

Noses are pointed to the barn

Sunday, July 24, 2011: Nose is pointed to the barn

Woke up early, did my powerwalk with Spouse. We readied Hannah and headed to San Jose to the Winchester House. Sarah Winchester (of Winchester Rifle fame) took an 8 room farm house and turned it into a 160 room cozy cottage! Work went on for 24 hours a day for 38 years. Doors go to nowhere, cupboard open to nothing, and windows may or may not open to a view. There are some beautiful stained glass windows, but the house is definitely odd. Our 65 minute tour inside the house took us over one mile! And although you are not supposed to photograph the inside, Spouse broke the rules... We went behind the scenes to see how the house used electricity and heat and all that stuff. Since we got there early, we got the greatest parking spot on the planet. There was a single long spot with trees on either side where we could actually open the sliders. This was good for Bart, and for us while we made lunch. I know we were the envy of every RV'er in the area! I saw their drool spots around Hannah!

We then left for the ride south on hwy 101. We actually decided to head home. We stopped in San Luis Obispo along the beach and made dinner. It was sunny and warmish cool. Lots of kelp provided a playground for the seals and we actually saw a couple of otters. It was a beautiful spot to end a long vacation.

We figured we had a 3 hour drive home, but what we didn't know was that there was road construction near Ventura. And although it really should not have interfered with traffic, it paralyzed the cars. It took us about an hour and a half to drive from Santa Barbara to Ventura, which should have taken only 30 minutes. It didn't help that we were low on fuel. The truck said it had a 45 mile fuel range, and we figured we had 30 miles to go. My thought was to put the friggin' gas that was in the gas can in the back of the truck into the fuel tank rather than risk running out going up the Conejo grade. Spouse finally did that! We then made it safely home.

It was after 10pm, so we just unloaded what we needed. Waiting for us was a mountain of mail, and some of my beautiful orchids that started blooming while I was away! I woke in the night and did not have a clue as to where I was.

As much as I love to go, I love coming home. But for today... we will tackle everything that comes with returning from a long vacation. Spouse has some fixing of things to do, the boys get to clean, we all get to unload, I get laundry and mail. Let the fun begin!

Thank you all for coming along with us. Until next time...

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