Monday, July 11, 2011

There is Something About Mary

Sunday, July 10, 2011: There is something about Mary

I slept outside last night. I loved the stars that I could see through the tree canopy. I did my power walk on the Cushman Trail. There is a trailhead just a bit outside the park. It is a hiking/biking trail that runs along the electrical towers. It is nicely paved, and wild foxgloves, daisies and other eye candy flowers line the path. Quite a bit of uphills and downhills tested my cardio system.

When I got back and cleaned up, we gathered up the gang, including Bart, and headed to my friend Mary's house up in Kingston. Kingston is north of Gig Harbor on the same side of the Sound. It is a beautiful drive past Bremerton where the mountains of the Olympic peninsula tower on our left. It is somewhat sunny, but pretty cool.

I worked with Mary Emery (nee Thompson) a gazillion years ago. She was an integral part of the sketti team - a close knit group that met regularly for dinner, and pretty much terrorized each other! She is irreplaceable in my life and invokes such great memories. She moved to the Seattle area 20 years ago. She now lives in an artsy home on 5 acres in a woodsy area that has a pond. We have visited with Mary each time we were in the area, but this time we got to meet her husband Michael.

When we drove up her driveway, it looked like a Christmas Tree farm. She told us that it used to be a Christmas Tree farm. Aren't I smart? Michael barbecued a feast: ribs with different marinades, chicken, potatoes wrapped in bacon and stuffed with garlic and jalapeno (YUM). We ate, we talked. Michael had spent 22 years in the military, so Dallas and Crew got a lot of first hand information on the ins and outs of military life. Although we all talked together, Mary and I did a lot of catching up on our own. Everybody should have at least one person in their life that even though you don't see each other for years, you can pick right up and start again like you never were apart. The next thing I knew, nearly 6 hours had gone by and we had to head back for Spouse to get ready to go to Alaska tomorrow.

I didn't want to say goodbye. M & M gave us a whole bunch of leftovers and sent us on our way. Today was a true treat for me. That was until we started our search for dramamine... Spouse will be on a fishing boat... he doesn't want to be chumming for fish if you know what I mean... Grocery store? Nope... Target? Nope. Walgreens? YES! Let's get home and do a load of laundry... seems like someone left a marshmallow in a pocket and it is now gracing some of our clothes...

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