Saturday, July 16, 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011: The return of the Spouse

Another gray day. How shocking! But at least it is dry for the time being. After my powerwalk, I got the boys washing the truck. We cleaned Hannah a bit, then headed to pick up the Spouse from his trip to Alaska.

Spouse is dyslexic in so many ways. He calls and tells us he is in the departure area. Hmmm... since he is arriving, he is probably in the arrival area and just misspoke. No, he WAS in the departure area because he was planning on departing the airport! Helllllooooo? Anybody there? He finally came down and we loaded his fish into the ice chest. Most of his fish went home with his son-in-law John, but he brought about 10 pounds for us to enjoy.

We then headed into Tacoma to the Glass Museum. Although there is an exhibit of glass pieces, the magnetic appeal to me was actually watching the pieces being made. I could have probably made my own bead, but it would have had to anneal for a while afterwards, and we may not have had enough time. But I was totally mesmermized by the process. In the grand room, they have the big ovens where they make all sorts of exciting pieces. One day, I will partake in the process...

Next to the museum, there is a bridge with glass sculptures made by Chihuly. He is the same artist that did the ceiling art at the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas. There were many intricate pieces with such artistic flair. This city center of Tacoma was really quite beautiful. The marina is large but still homey. The court building is stunning. Seattle gets all the big press, but Tacoma is well worth a visit.

We then headed home so Spouse could reunite with Bart. One big happy family once again!

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