Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Gig is up

Friday, July 8, 2011: The Gig is Up

Last night, we stayed in Two Cedars RV Park in Lynnwood. It is off the 99 Hwy which is really just a busy street. However, it was amazingly quiet. I took my powerwalk on the main street then turned down a sidestreet that was more residential. I could not believe the flowers in bloom at this time of year. Anemones bloom for us in February and March. Here, full bloom. Beautiful unique dogwood trees with huge white flowers jumped out at me. Hanging baskets laden with all sorts of petunias, lobelias and other flowers also adorned many a yard. On a side street, I saw a black and white kitty, so I headed that way. Would she be friend, or foe? I kissed to her and she came running. She rolled, I petted. She turned, I petted. She butted her head, and I petted some more! Then I turned her away from the busier street, making sure she did not follow me, and I continued my walk.

When I got back, we readied Hannah for departure. After calling several RV parks, we finally found a space in Gig Harbor, which is on the other side of the sound from Seattle. So, a-schlepping we go. We have been to Gig Harbor before in our boat. It is a beautiful small harbor with artsy shops. The RV park is about 1/2 mile from the harbor... my powerwalks of the future! The RV park is very woodsy and oozes charm and it is the right choice even though it is about an hour drive to Seattle. But our space is out of range of the WIFI... yech!

After settling in, we had to do some business, so we trekked our laptop down to the office where we could get on to the internet. Then we took the boys into town for some browsing. Too bad we left my dive light back at Hannah because it was fun looking at the critters around the dock. There were lots of jellyfish, mussels and a crab or two. With the dive light, you can see a whole lot more. Maybe one day, we will take a can of catfood and lower it into the water for the shrimp to feast, then we will have a whole lot of shrimp to eat! Or let go, which is more likely for me!

Spouse's friend Huey lives up here and will be visiting us this evening. I improvised an apple crisp that maybe people will like! I also talked to my friend Mary. We made arrangements for lunch on Sunday. I love seeing people that are special to me! When it comes down to everything, your chosen family, which includes your friends, are those that make life good! Whenever I see a friend that is out of town, I always feel so uplifted and rejuvenated!

As it turns out, not only did Huey and his wife Mary visit, another friend, Bill Miller also came by. Bill and I made a golf date for Tuesday! Wahoooo!

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