Monday, July 18, 2011

On the road again...

Sunday, July 17, 2011: On the road again...

What a surprise... the day was gray! It was a getaway day. I did my powerwalk, seeing a different critter. I think it was a newt - a lizard like amphibian. It was cute, and it gave me the eye. I wanted to pick it up and kiss it, but I just let it be. I showed it to a lady walking her dog to make sure she didn't hasten its demise.

Back at Hannah, time to pack her up. Gig Harbor has been kind to us but it was time to move on. The idea is that we would head south on I5. If the weather cleared near Mt. St. Helens, we would go, otherwise we would continue on. Well, the weather actually got worse near Mt. St. Helens. No need to go visit a volcano when you are not going to be able to see it! So, on we continued to highway 4, which took us west along the Columbia River.

There were beautiful sloughs with fishermen galore, quaint towns, meadows, nature preserves, and of course, the face of the Columbia River. We went all the way to highway 101, then headed south. We crossed the Columbia River near the point where it empties into the Pacific Ocean. Many a wreck has been had here as this can be an extremely treacherous stretch of water. However for us, it was calm. We crossed into the town of Astoria, Oregon, then headed northwest to the northernmost tip of Oregon, Ft. Stevens.

It was raining off and on all day. We pulled in to Ft. Stevens state park, which had a huge RV park. The spaces are woodsy, with fire rings. Too bad it is rainy and muddy. We discovered that Hannah leaks in the rain when we tow her. The water comes in at the base of back slider near our dining room. We have been soaking up the water and running a space heater to try and dry it out. But the space heater and the TV cannot run at the same time. We will have to find a happy compromise. Getting mold vs. watching Bugs Bunny... let's think about that!

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