Wednesday, September 10, 2014

September 10, 2014 Pegging the ARGH-o-meter

Wednesday September 10, 2014

 Me-out!  Me-out!  ME-OUT!!!   Whoa... what is that?  It is wet and cold!  Nevermind.

 It was cold last night.  Since I seemed to have strained my groin, I gave myself permission not to walk tomorrow, so when I woke up and heard the rain falling, I got a little chuckle.  Until the morning that is...  Spouse didn't tell me that we needed a code to use the RV park bathroom.  I traipse over there in the arctic rain only to find I couldn't get in.  I traipse back, get the code, then slog through the grass to the head.  ARGH!  I am walking a bit better but I will probably need another day of minimal walking.

We ready Hannah for her day.  Actually, Spouse did all the outside readying.  It is cold, about 40 and windy so it feels like it is 40 below.  Even Rudy didn't want to go outside.  I threw him in the truck while we finished getting ready, and when I got in the truck, he quickly plopped himself in my lap, stealing my warmth.
We headed southwest on hwy 61, which follows Lake Superior.  It is still very rural but there are a lot of condos and resorts nestled in the trees.  They are barely visible from the highway, but we see the street signs.  Yet, there are very few services, such as restaurants and stores.  At one point, the wind is so strong, we stopped to look at the waves crashing against the shore.  It was very impressive.  And so cold!


At Duluth, we caught I35 which is Michael Connelly's fictional detective Lucas Davenport's territory.  We leave the lake behind.  Our goal is to get to Camping World near Minneapolis and see about a new window, as well as some other parts we need for repairs.  We stop to eat, to stretch, etc.  It is COLD, still only 46!  Samaaaaantha then takes us on the usual wild goose chase.  What should have taken us 3 highways took us at least that plus that many little country roads through tiny towns with speed limits and lots of turns.  I can't figure her out.  She doesn't always do this, but I catch her from time to time.  And right now, I do not have a detailed map of the area we are in so I only catch it after the fact.  Argh!

 When we got to Camping World, they were essentially useless.  They did not have the parts, and could not help us with the window.  Now, why did we come here?  Why did we pass up some of the places we saw earlier so we could get here?  Another ARGH!

The final ARGH...  we checked Samaaaantha for an RV park.  She had a KOA in the city, but it looked like just outside the city was a park on a lake.  We plugged it in, and promptly retraced our path by about 20 miles.   This was not her fault, it was because we didn't have a detailed map and could not get a good enough reading on the GPS.  We are looking out on Ham Lake and it is pretty... and cold!

Since we went to the botanical gardens in Montreal, Spouse has been raking Rudy's litter box like the Japanese gravel garden.  Zen, Rudy... zzzeeennnn.

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