Tuesday, September 9, 2014

September 8, 2014 The Wawa Wahwah Wahweep Whine

Monday September 8, 2014

 It has been too darned cold to morph into Thunderpaws.  I will snuggle under the cover with my humans.  Then, maybe I can morph.

We decided to do a hike to High Falls waterfalls this morning.  We got an early start, took a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich and headed over the meadows and through the woods.  The sun is shining but it is cold, 43 degrees.  We had trouble finding the trailhead,  but ultimately found it and started our ascent. 

It is a woodsy trail with centuries of compost material lining the path.  It is soft bordered with typical forest flora; ferns, mushrooms, etc.   It is narrow with lots of tree roots.  Spouse begins his Wawa wahwah wahweep whine.  The trail is slippery at times as it follows the Magpie River.  It is often steep and you have to hold on to a tree to help climb or descend.  I like the variations in the trail.  Spouse is worried about his knees.   We continue, we wind, we climb, we descend, Spouse whines.  When we hit a very steep area, Spouse called it quits.  Even I had visions of the movie Romancing the Stone when Joan slides down the mountainside with Michael Douglas into the lake.  


Since it is not a trail to do alone, I retreated with Spouse as he pegged the whine-o-meter all the way back!  When we got to Hannah, he downed a whole lot of ibuprofen!  It was a good workout nonetheless.


We readied Hannah for another day on the road.  We continue north on hwy 17.  The road heads a bit away from Lake Superior, but other lakes and streams replace it.  There are so many lakes, I know they have run out of names... really... Lake Mom?  Lake Dad?  There are moose signs all along the way, but we have never seen one on the road.  They cross mainly at night and we are not on the road at night.  It is very picturesque, but I can imagine when the temperatures are warmer, it is a West Nile Virus haven.

Since we never completed our hike to the falls at Wawa, we stopped at Aguasabon Falls in Terrace Bay.   It is an easy walk down a manmade wooden trail.  They are powerful falls that ricochet into a gorge that leads out to the lake.  Just think, in another couple of million years, this may be the next Grand Canyon!


Even though it is only 3pm, we decided to stop at a provincial campground that is right on Lake Superior.  It sounds like the ocean is outside our door with the waves lapping the shore a hundred feet from Hannah.  It is a little warmer (or should I say it is less chilly!) on this side of the lake and we are seeing less of the fall colors.  There is a pretty sandy beach with beautiful red rocks drizzled around.  And it smells good!


I think Rudy is ready for home.  He misses his kitty condo.  It seems all things Hannah are fair game for his claws... He is a beast that is acting quite uncivilized these days...  Until night time when he turns into a total snugglebunny, which erases all his transgressions of the day!

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