Friday, September 12, 2014

September 11, 2014 Wynot?

Thursday September 11, 2014

 What the heck are those things?  They have... horns!  Take me back home!  NOW!


Another cold morning.  I am only doing a short walk to test my legs.  It is very difficult for me NOT to walk.  It is every bit as much mental as it is physical so it is hard to hold myself back.  And I did a bit more than I intended.    My injury is better, but not yet gone so I need to be careful.


There is a little petting zoo here with goats and emus.  We took Rudy over to see them.  He wanted NO part of them!  I am not sure if it was the goats or if he felt he was too far from Hannah to make a mad dash.  Whatever, he was glad to get back home.
Today, we are heading over to John's (son-in-law) hunting home in Wynot, Nebraska.  Why?  Because we can.  It is on the way home more or less, and we thought we would check it out.  We escaped the Minneapolis area with minimal traffic.  No, we did NOT go to the Mall of America (the biggest mall on the planet).  I don't like small malls, so BIG is not better in my book.  Had the Minnesota Twins been in town, I would have gone to a ballgame but they are not, so neither are we anymore!

 We head south on hwy 169, then onto whatever hwy Samaaaantha told us which took us to Sioux Falls, South Dakota.  Samaaaantha told us about a butterfly house in Sioux Falls, so we went and enjoyed some fluttery friends .


Butterflies are cool critters.  They come in various sizes with all sorts of colors and markings.  Some look like one thing when they are hanging, but when they are flying, they look completely different.  They are friendly and enjoyable to watch.  It was a small place but we were happy to engage with our fluttery friends for the time that we spent.


Then, off to the garden spot of Wynot.  It is a town of, oh, maybe 250 people in the north east corner of Nebraska.  It is really a pretty area with rolling hills, farms, rivers and trees.  I guess that is what attracts the animals that constitute 'hunting'.    John told us we could stay in Hannah on the street, but it was way unlevel.  Instead, we headed to a restaurant John recommended; the Sportsmen.  We asked someone how to get there...


Go to the street that is halfway between here and the highway.  Turn left.  Go to the Green Triangle building and turn left.   Just keep turning left and you'll find it.

Really?  Well, that is what we did...   I guess this is the street before the highway so it must be the right one.  There is a green building.  But it isn't a triangle.  We are on a dirt road but we keep on going.  Ultimately, we saw the Green Triangle building as it has a sign on it that says Green Triangle.  Who knew?  We continued on the dirt road for a few more miles, passing flocks of wild turkeys, turning left and we did stumble upon the Sportsmen, which has an RV park and is right on the Missouri River.   Spouse went inside... tonite, they only had hamburgers.  They only do steaks on the weekends.  Spouse said it reeked of cigarette smoke.  I would not have liked that one!  But the RV site is decent, and it is late and we are done for the day so it will have to work.  To find this place, you have to know about it, or know someone that knows about it.  You probably wouldn't read about it in an RV book or a magazine.  But the locals all know it, and they keep it alive.  Good for them!

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