Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 13, 2014 Bad

Saturday September 13, 2014
I think my humans are cheating on me.  I saw them with another feline.
We were slow getting started this morning, by choice.  We have been on the move daily so it was nice to just sit.  Spouse took Rudy for a walk and what did he find...
He comes back and says there is a feral cat.  Let's give it food.  (Deja Vu). 
I get some of Rudy's food and go over there.  She was a young kitty, about 5 months old and she is a polydactl just like Rudy!  I call her and she comes running (just like Rudy).  She is purring and cuddly.  She is hungry, she is thirsty.  Sound familiar?  Rudy hissed when he saw her.  I couldn't stop cuddling her and she was good with that.  We played.  We do NOT need another cat.

Spouse went to the office (just like Rudy).  But this time, they said they think they know where she came from and would work on getting her back there.  She is supposed to be a barn kitty next door (which is a far piece away).    If she does not belong there, they will get her a home.  Spouse took her to the office and she had a hissy fit.  She wanted to be back at the cabin where she hangs out under the patio.  Coyotes can't get her there.  That is where she is now.  There are new tenants in the cabin that are cat people.  We left them some food for her.  I hope it goes well, but we can't take her.  Rudy won't stand for it.  We cheated on him, but he is our true love.
This area of South Dakota is breathtaking.  We drove into the Badlands National Park.  Here is where the prairie meets the buttes.  Badlands is very much like Bryce Canyon in that it has a gazillion rocky outcroppings popping up from the prairie, but they appear to be sandstone as opposed to the hard rock of Bryce.  Riding along the top of the mesa provides sweeping views of the valleys below with the rock spires.  Within the first five minutes of driving, we spot bighorn sheep on top of the spires watching the cars drive by.

Spouse is back to being crippled so all he could do was look.  I took some of the walking trails and did some exploring without taking too much time away from Spouse.  It is white (hmm, must be why the name White River).  It almost looks like the moon.  It feels like dried mud but a bit softer.  Oddly enough, there are some wildflowers popping out here and there.  More bighorns.  The hiking trails are not clearly marked outside of the trail heads.  Because of the terrain, the trail does not look worn, and it would be easy to lose the trail.  But I did not walk too far for that to be a problem. 
We continued driving on the road through the various viewpoints.  Hey bighorns, get off the road so we can get by.  At one point, we headed over to the town of Wall, known for the Wall Drug Store.  Really?  Yep!  It is a drug store, souvenir store, t-shirt store, and a bunch of little vendors and stores.  There is a T-Rex that roars and actually looks a bit scary.  A great way to scare a toddler!  It's just one of those places you need to see if you are near there. 
We left, going back into Badlands to do the off road trail along the mesa ridge.  To the right, green prairie grass stretches as far as the eye can see.  To the left is a valley of gazillions of rocky spires.  I would love to have had more pictures, but I didn't charge the camera batteries.  Blond!  We went by a prairie dog town.   Cute little rodents with a sophisticated society.  When I got out, they started squealing to one another.  It was only a warning once they saw I was not a threat.  But they did keep their eyes on the 3 coyotes on the horizon going after their relatives.
We continued the road until we exited the park and got back on to hwy 44.  The water at this RV park is horrible.  We found a store and bought some water.  I couldn't figure out why my tea tasted so bad.  Then our coffee this morning, yech!  Now all will be better.
And the battery to the camera is charging...

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