Wednesday, September 3, 2014

September 3, 2014 Up the river

Wednesday September 3, 2014

It is morning, my human is up.  Me-out!  Me-out!  ME-OUT!  ME-OUT!!!  Oh, my paws are getting wet.  I will come back in.

It rained last night, a nice hard rain.  We have a bit of a lake behind Hannah, but we don't have to walk back there so we are good.  Today we are going to the town of Beaupre.  Beaupre is on the north west side of the St. Lawrence from Quebec.

With Samaaaantha's navigational prowess, we have now seen far more of the streets of Quebec and its surroundings than most natives.  But, she ultimately got us to the Canyon Sainte-Anne for a hike around the water falls.  There are trails around the waterfalls with suspension bridges.  The falls are tall and powerful.  The water is a bit yellow due to the mineral content, but supposedly, it is potable.  The surroundings are heavily wooded with maple, hemlock, birch, pine and poplar, which makes for a very pleasant hike around the area.  Some people say this is the prettiest... I have one word for them... YOSEMITE!


Today we learned why there is so much animosity between the French and non-French.   The non-French regions are very accommodating to the French.  Signs are in both English and French.  Many people speak both languages.  In Quebec, it is against the law to put signs in both languages and they are not allowed to teach English in the schools.  I am sure it can be an elective, but English cannot be mandated.  I think this puts kids at a terrible disadvantage, but that's the way it is.   So, the English accommodate the French, and the French accommodate themselves!  At the waterfalls, the signs were in multiple languages.  It probably created quite an uproar when those signs were posted!


On the way home from our excursion, we stopped for some grocery shopping.  We then let Samaaaantha take us on another wild goose chase.  Instead of taking one of those really nice freeways, she took us on a whole lot of surface streets to save a kilometer in distance.  I hate that witch!

 Ok, guys, I have a question for you... Do all of you do this?  Do you take things out, but them not put them back?  Or you put it back in someplace stupid just because it is easier than putting them back where they belong?  And do you leave cabinet doors open?

Week 9 and my spouse is still alive...

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