Monday, September 22, 2014

September 18, 2014 Happy Anniversary

Thursday September 18, 2014


There is a critter that is fluttering inside.  My humans are trying to help me capture it, but I just can't seem to do it.  I must practice more.


It is a breezy morning but not terribly cold.  Warm enough that I can walk in shorts, but have some long sleeves for warmth.  Spouse's foot has really been bothering him since his fall off the ladder.  It seems that there is something very wrong there.  He has been riding the bike to get some exercise.


After we were done with our morning rituals, we readied Hannah for departure.  We were worried about getting out of this space, but our neighbor moved his truck, and another neighbor moved his chairs so we were able to easily make our escape.


We are headed south on I25 through the high plains.  The mesas and buttes of New Mexico are on the horizon.  We pass through Raton Canyon with a summit of around 8000 feet.  It is very scenic, with cottonwood trees and rugged cliffs.  We are on our way to visit my friend Sandy who lives in the middle of nowhere between Las Vegas and Pecos, near Santa Fe.


There are not a lot of campgrounds around.  We were thinking of just pulling over at her highway exit, but then decided to check out the Villanueva state campgrounds, about 12 miles off I25 on hwy 3.  It is a narrow road and we notice that our cell phones are useless.  We are skeptical of this place.  Where does this road go?  Can we turn around?  We finally stumble upon the campground.  It is somewhat primitive in that the sites do not have water and sewers, but many have electricity.  It is right on the Pecos river, which is pretty small here, but it is absolutely beautiful.  Tall rugged cliffs surround the campground like a giant C.  We have found that the RV parks that offer limited services are more to our liking in that they are closer to nature.  RV parking lots are fine if you are not there to enjoy the scenery, but to run errands or explore elsewhere.  If you want to enjoy your site, chances are regular RV parks are not the right fit. 


Today is our 32d anniversary.  I don't know how that can be since I am only 27...

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