Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September 2, 2014 Old doesn't mean dead

Tuesday September 2, 2014

 Now my paternal human is telling me to get the flying critters... Sheesh, when will they get it!  It has to be MY idea!  Wow, he got it!  Hey, I wanted that!

 Woke up to fog.  Let me be clear about that (pun intended).  There was FOG!  We definitely could not see the water from Hannah.  We could barely see the street.  It was wet, but not from rain, just from the fog.  I still took my walk.  I could tell that the tide was in, but that was about all I could see.  We readied Hannah for her trip to Quebec.

Since the fog was so dense, we started on the main highway; until I saw a sign for a chocolaterie.  With warp speed, we headed to the little highway again.  The fog had lifted some so we stayed on the little road, even after I got my chocolate.  The towns are cute and it is far more interesting than the main highway.  That is until it rained.  Let me be clear on that... it RAINED!  Heavy rain.  Nothing to see on the side road, so back to the main road.  We have an RV park punched into Samaaaaantha... will she get us there?


Yes!  She scores one today.  We get reduced rates as the season is over.  We are seeing 'closed for the season' signs here and there.  The rain stops long enough for us to set up Hannah.  The sun pops out and the humidity sucks!  Today, we are going to the old town of Quebec.

Samaaaaantha loses the next one.  She sends us in a circle.   I hate her.  She loses the next one... She tells us to go right, but then she didn't tell us to go right again until after we are passing the exit.  Then she told us to turn where there was road construction.  ARGH!  As we near the old town, the roads are small, the truck is big.  She finally gets us to our goal.  Sheesh... we are exhausted.  Spouse is wondering why we are here, the crank-o-meter is pegged.

We are at the museum of civilization for their parking.  It is on the St. Lawrence and the view is stunning.  Behind us is the view of the old town, with the Fairmont Hotel perched on the hill.   Old Town is a series of cobblestone streets leading up the hill to the Fairmont, which presides like a king over the river.  The tiny streets are very French with flower boxes in the windows several stories up and the flowers and vines dangling down the walls.  There are cafes, galleries, souvenir shops, and all sorts of artisans and their wares for sale.  There are musicians in various spots; a harpist, sax player, keyboard artist.  They all add to the ambiance and Frenchness.  Spouse is amazed at the unisex bathrooms.  I feel like I am in France.  We head to the Fairmont, Spouse via a glass Funicular.  I took the stairs.  The Fairmont is very much like the Banff Springs Hotel.  Probably a Canadian/Pacific endeavor from a century ago.


We start checking menus.  Why does everybody have so much fried?  We finally find some pasta that looked good - and it was.  In this cafe, we can watch the people go by just like the French.  Except I really need to learn how not to inhale my food when I am hungry!  At least I didn't guzzle my wine!


We wind back down to the waterfront and Samaaaaantha takes us home a very easy way.  Why she didn't bring us this way in the first place is beyond me.  The crank-o-meter has been reset to 000.

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