Monday, September 22, 2014

September 19, 2014 Visiting Sandy

Friday September 19, 2014

I like this spot.  Lots to look at.  Lots to chase, if my humans would let me.
Since Spouse cannot walk much, I decided to do a morning hike all by myself.  I don't like to do this as it really isn't safe to hike alone.  But I grabbed some bear spray and a walkie talkie and headed out on the viewpoint loop trail.  It is barely past 7am, the time when wildlife is on the prowl, so I made lots of noise as I progressed on the trail.  It starts along the water's edge walking on rock ledges.  Then the trail turns to rock as it climbs.  It is not easy but it is not difficult either.  Being at over 6000 feet, it is a cardio challenge.  At the top along the rocky ledges are sweeping views of the Pecos River and the valley below.

I hail Spouse on the walkie talkie. 

LOOK AT ME!  I am on the top waving my arms.
I can't see you.
Look left.
I can't see you.
Look lefter!  (Pretty hard for Spouse to look left).  I am in RED.  You can't miss me...
Finally, he sees me.  I take a selfie.


I continue on and the trail turns to a soft sand like a dune.  There are wildflowers still in bloom.  I am clapping and singing warding off wild beasts.  Some quails fluttered off scaring the begeezus out of me.   The trail turns back to rocks and rocky ledges until the 2.5 mile trail comes back to the bridge.  Nice way to start the day.  I sure hope Spouse can hike again someday! 

We ready Hannah for the curvy ride back to the highway.  We are headed to my friend Sandy's house.  A local gas station lets us disconnect Hannah and leave her there with our precious feline cargo.  Then we head over the freeway along the frontage road, through the one lane tiny tunnel, go right to the dirt road, go left and left and over the really bad dirt road pass the bad ess then down a bit and turn left on Chocktaw.  Yes, we are in the middle of nowhere!

I have known Sandy for 32 years.  We roomed together on an African Safari.  She was a nurse until injuries sidelined her.  She lives in a little casita, totally off the grid, with her critters and a whole lot of stuff.  She sells things at flea markets, and she has a garage full of ... stuff!  We spent the day with her, then some of her friends came to dinner.  Jan and Jeanette live out here also.  Three great tough chickies doing it alone in the boonies!  It was a great visit.  We left a tad before it got dark so that we could find our way back.


We hooked up Hannah (which is getting more difficult each time we disconnect) and we headed to a Wal-Mart in Santa Fe where we would spend the night.  By now, it is 9pm, we are not into finding a campground just to sleep.

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