Saturday, September 13, 2014

September 12, 2014 Who knew!

Friday September 12, 2014

 Sometimes, my purr box gives me away.  I try to be true to my felinity.  When one of my humans picks me up or drags me and cuddles, I try to be aloof.  I try to ignore them even though it feels good.  My cover is blown when my stupid purr box goes off! 

It rained through the night.  It is quite muddy outside and we have miles of dirt road ahead of us.  Oh goody...  The rain stopped long enough for us to ready Hannah for her journey.  This really is a beautiful location.  It is right on the Missouri River at a point that is uncontrolled.  Samaaaantha knew how to get us out of here along the maze of dirt roads.  There are woods, rolling hills and farms.  A couple of white tailed does come frolicking in front of us then disappear into a maze of tall corn with nary a trail, just like the baseball players in the movie A Field of Dreams.  The roads go up and down.  Even though they are dirt roads, they are well graded.  But they are wet, and we are getting pretty darned muddy.  We continue through the magnificent scenery, passing some more does and flocks of wild turkeys.  We finally hit hwy 12, a paved road.  I must admit, this diversion was a real treat and allowed us to see a beautiful part of the country that we would never suspect it would be where it is.

We would be heading west today, not sure of our final destination.  I suggested we go to Badlands in South Dakota, but Spouse did not want to go north again.  When we switched and I started driving, he looked at the map.  Let's go to Badlands.  Gee, what a good idea!  So that is where we headed.

All through Nebraska, we did not go on a main highway.  The back roads have a 65 mph speed limit, but they do occasionally go through a small town where you have to slow.  But this is a much more personal way to travel and I am glad we went this way.  We pass little farms, big farms, hills, woods, streams, etc.  It is a very green year, they have had a lot of rain.  On this road, it feels like you can reach out and touch the farmers, look at their gardens and see their lives.   We continued on the back roads in South Dakota to the town of Interior, right outside the Badlands. 

 Here, the terrain is starting to change some.  There are still the green rolling hills, but there are also buttes and rocky outcroppings.  We plan to stop for a couple of days.. and rest... and clean the mud off the truck and Hannah!

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