Thursday, August 4, 2016

August 2, 2016 Are we there yet?

August 2, 2016


My humans are out of practice.  Not only do I want my water by my food bowl, I want THEIR glass of water at the sink.  It is not there yet.  I must stare at them until they get me MY water!


My morning walk took me around the glorious streets of Santa Nella.  Not much to see but a motel and a huge mobile home community, but at least I could get off the highway and away from the big rigs.  I did get a coffee stir stick at Starbucks to better secure my orchid flower.  I hope it works. 


We readied Hannah and headed north on I5 towards Rick and Sue's in Grass Valley.  Oh, wait, let's stop and pick up a new water filter pitcher because someone (I won't name names) did not secure it when we left and it was thrown to its death on the bumpy roads.  That done, let's stop to eat a quick lunch.  Now that we think of it, why don't we stop and buy some food for a nice breakfast for everyone.  Are we there yet?  We have been gone all of 24 hours and we have made a gazillion stops already!  And pulling into parking lots with a trailer is always an adventure.


It is always a treat to visit Rick and Sue.  They have 43 acres so it is easy to set up Hannah on their property.  Although we can hook up to electricity, it is not strong enough to run the air conditioner, but the nights cool down nicely, so that is not an issue.  And our rig is in the shade for most of the day so it isn't  bad for Rudy or my orchids.  And the stir stick seems to have worked on my orchid... for now.  Oh it is so pretty!


There is lots of wildlife in this area.  We have seen coyotes, foxes, wild turkeys and deer.  The caretakers (Harl and Julia) told us they just saw a mountain lion, and a bear was walking down the driveway the other day.  And there is a bobcat that has been hanging out below the pond.  Of course, the geese fly in like a motorcycle gang onto the pond.  We tried to take Rudy outside on his leash and he didn't want any part of it!  He is happy just looking out the windows.


We have known Rick and Sue since 1982 - before we were even married.  Through the years, we have skiied, water skiied, sailed, camped and generally frolicked around together.  Rick was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis about 20 years ago.  So there has been a slow deterioration in his motor skills.  But he is still cute!  So Spouse spent the evening with Rick while Sue and I went to play bunko with all of her friends.  This was my maiden voyage into bunko and I had lots of fun.  But... I LOST!  Could it have been the wine?  Oh well...  Got back to Hannah late and was glad to hit the bed.
August 2, 2016
My humans are out of practice.  Not only do I want my water by my food bowl, I want THEIR glass of water at the sink.  It is not there yet.  I must stare at them until they get me MY water!
My morning walk took me around the glorious streets of Santa Nella.  Not much to see but a motel and a huge mobile home community, but at least I could get off the highway and away from the big rigs.  I did get a coffee stir stick at Starbucks to better secure my orchid flower.  I hope it works. 
We readied Hannah and headed north on I5 towards Rick and Sue's in Grass Valley.  Oh, wait, let's stop and pick up a new water filter pitcher because someone (I won't name names) did not secure it when we left and it was thrown to its death on the bumpy roads.  That done, let's stop to eat a quick lunch.  Now that we think of it, why don't we stop and buy some food for a nice breakfast for everyone.  Are we there yet?  We have been gone all of 24 hours and we have made a gazillion stops already!  And pulling into parking lots with a trailer is always an adventure.
It is always a treat to visit Rick and Sue.  They have 43 acres so it is easy to set up Hannah on their property.  Although we can hook up to electricity, it is not strong enough to run the air conditioner, but the nights cool down nicely, so that is not an issue.  And our rig is in the shade for most of the day so it isn't  bad for Rudy or my orchids.  And the stir stick seems to have worked on my orchid... for now.  Oh it is so pretty!

The view from Rick and Sue's deck is beautiful.  Ahhhh...

There is a lot of wildlife in this area.  We have seen coyotes, foxes, wild turkeys and deer.  The caretakers (Harl and Julia) told us they just saw a mountain lion, and a bear was walking down the driveway the other day.  And there is a bobcat that has been hanging out below the pond.  Of course, the geese fly in like a motorcycle gang onto the pond.  We tried to take Rudy outside on his leash and he didn't want any part of it!  He is happy just looking out the windows.
We have known Rick and Sue since 1982 - before we were even married.  Through the years, we have skiied, water skiied, sailed, camped and generally frolicked around together.  Rick was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis about 20 years ago.  So there has been a slow deterioration in his motor skills.  But he is still cute!  So Spouse spent the evening with Rick while Sue and I went to play bunko with all of her friends.  This was my maiden voyage into bunko and I had lots of fun.  But... I LOST!  Could it have been the wine?  Oh well...  Got back to Hannah late and was glad to hit the bed.

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