Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Monday, August 8, 2016 Off the grid - the sequel

Monday, August 8, 2016


My humans let me do a lot of exploring outside.  I got to smell all sorts of stuff.  They kept this long thing on me so I couldn't go too far, but it sure was fun.  I almost caught a butterfly!


Ohh it is cold this morning.  Let's turn on the heater!  After we warmed up a bit, we went for our walk along the road.  A creek runs along the road, and once again, the only sounds we hear are the wind, the creek, an occasional bird and our feet hitting the ground.  Oh, and the deer that are bounding all around!  Only 2 cars pass the entire time we are out. 


I must admit, I love these types of campgrounds but I have a dilemma...  When we are in RV parks, we usually use their bathroom for big potty.  One reason (which I think is stupid) is that Spouse likes to minimize stinking up the head and it is easier for cleaning and disconnecting.  MY reason is because I like REAL toilet paper!  Not the RV stuff that dissolves in your hand!  So, in this campground we have an outhouse.  It is clean and it doesn't smell, and it has real toilet paper.  But it IS an outhouse.  Or, I can use Hannah, who has been warmed up, but has that flimsy RV toilet paper.  I will let you wonder which path I took...


 After breakfast, we readied Hannah for departure.  Since we were not hooked up to any services, this took only a few minutes.  Back through the beautiful alpine meadows up to Rt. 7 going east towards Baker City.  The ride is very alpine until the outskirts of the city.  We see a few antelope.  The Powder River runs along the road, but the mountains turn into the brown cerritos.


Baker City is a fairly large town, but still looking like it is 1950 with its storefronts.  We weave our way around a bit till we pick up rt. 86 east to Hell's Canyon.    We are back in Nevada brown mode, but the river runs alongside, and soon there are majestic mountain peaks and valleys.  We are doing a lot of climbing and the road is small and windy, but definitely doable.  Some folks that have height issues might be a little antsy, but it really is not bad.  We then turn onto rt. 39 north. 


It is early, once again but who cares!  We have gone maybe 100 miles.  We find another 10 space campground (Lake Fork) where we can only fit into one of the spaces, the rest are just too small.  Good thing Spouse is good at  backing up Hannah...  There is one other campsite with tents, but the humans appear to be off wandering.  Costly as it is... With our senior discount, we are paying $3.  Once again, no services, but we are on a ledge overlooking a river and we have a firepit!  Yesss!  I can tell you this much tho...  I know there is an outhouse somewhere, but if it is not in sight, I don't care how nice the toilet paper is, I am not hunting it down!


It is amazing how few vehicles we have seen on the road.  It is almost like the Twilight Zone!


We set up Hannah (all of 5 minutes) then enjoy the breeze with the river.  We give Rudy some leeway, we leash him up but let him walk around.  We let him get only a few steps from us so all should be ok, right?  Until the wind knocks my newspaper up and down and spooks him!  Like a bullet, he takes off under Hannah, pulls away from his collar and runs!  He stops at the front of the truck and lets Spouse pick him up.  His hackles are up and he is scared.  We put him inside and tried to wrest his leash out from under Hannah's tire.  We tug, push, pull.  We finally got it but can only imagine how sore Rudy's neck must be!  We can't believe he didn't hang himself!  Spouse was able to tie his collar back on, but he will be getting a new one next store we see. 

 He ran inside and started scarfing down the food in his bowl...  Can't feel too bad, huh?  But he hasn't given me any purring...  And he shows NO interest in going back outside!

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