Sunday, August 7, 2016

August 6, 2016 Is this really Oregon? REALLY??

Saturday, August 6, 2016


My humans are not filling my food bowl.  I am traumatized.  It isn't that I am hungry, but I have to know I have food when I want it.  My bowl is empty.  I must beg.  I must express my displeasure.


My morning walk took me around the golf course.  Spouse came for a while and we walked some of the side trails.  It is crispy cool but the sun is shining.  Lots of jack rabbits escort us.  We get back and ready Hannah for departure.  As usual, things break.  A leak here, a broken clip there.  Frustrating, but it is to be expected.  My orchids have been faring well, giving me much pleasure.  Rudy knows we are getting ready to get on the road and he is giving us the stink eye.  Tough!


We continue north on 395, through the town of Altura.  There are marshes right next to the high desert shrub forming a stark contrast in topography. We pass through the Modoc wildlife refuge which looks like a haven for waterfowl.  In English, we really don't have a good word for small mountains.  We have hills, we have mountains, but what is a small mountain?  In Spanish, it is el cerrito.  So, los cerritos surround us as we make our way north.  They are a mix of desert shrub and ponderosa pine.  We climb some and it gets pinier.  We pass into Oregon and get to the bucolic town of Lakeview.  It is a step back in time with the little mom and pop storefronts with shade awnings.


We stop in an ancient coffee shop for lunch and pick up a few things at the grocery store and continue north.  The trees are thinning out when we get to Lake Abert.  The trees are GONE!  Like an apocolypse!  There are buttes as if we were in the Arizona desert.  Lake Abert is a huge shallow lake that is probably only at 20% capacity.  And it is brown all around.  Think of brown mustard.  Not a single tree.  BROWN BROWN BROWN!!!  After about 20 miles, the lake is behind us and we are into desert scrub... no trees.  This is an incredibly lonely stretch of road without a single tree and very few cars.  We see a sign that it is open to free range cattle, and we see none!  Even they don't want to be there!  This is every bit as boring as the road from Reno to Winnemucca.  On the Leslie bore-o-meter scale where minimally boring is 1 and maximum boring is 10, this is easily a 12!  And we only have 70 more miles to go...  Both of us are having trouble staying awake.  Yawn...


When we got to the turn in the road, where 395 joins 20, the bore-o-meter faded away.  High desert with hay farms and meadows replaced the Nevada brown.  At a rest stop, we decided to take a catnap (Rudy's idea).  The weather is mild and breezy making it so comfortable as we doze off...


An hour later, we headed into Burns while Rudy was listening to Al Stewart's Year of the Cat.  We got a spot in an older park with beautiful large trees.  A creek runs by our site but the shrub prevents us from going down to it.  The owners have had it for only 2 months and have great plans.  Hope they don't ruin its charm...


After dinner, and another leak repair, we took a walk down the street, past the deer grazing in a truck storage yard.   I am plotting my morning walk, past the horses and through the homey neighborhood.  Rudy is hoping to get off the leash and into the bushes by the creek... ain't gonna happen!

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