Monday, August 29, 2016

Sunday, August 28, 2016 And Sunday we rest? Not exactly...

Sunday, August 28, 2016

My maternal human had a critter crawling up her foreleg.  She called me.  I sniffed it.  She flinched and it fell onto the bed.  I pounced.  It moved.  I pawed at it and it ran under the covers.  Then my paternal human snatched it and killed it!  I wasn't even done with it!  It would have been so much fun getting it out from under the covers but he ruined it for me.  Why is that?

Today was a series of vignettes.

Early morning vignette:  Ok, 'early' does not really apply.  We should not be on mountain time.  It is almost 8am before we get out of bed, which is unheard of back home.  We enjoy coffee and get on the stupid phones for some emails and game time.  How dumb is that?

Get moving vignette:

We readied the bikes for another ride down 'our' road, only farther.  My goal is to pedal to Indianola, which is 11 miles down the road.  There is an abandoned fire station there and a memorial to two firefighters that died in the line of duty in 2003.

Will we have enough 'gas' in our engines?  We are used to the first five miles since we have done it before by bike, but now we are going into to unfamiliar territory as far as biking goes  I scouted it out on our way back yesterday and it looked ok, but will it BE ok?  Oh!  Wait - There is a bald eagle!  He is looking at us...  Hmmm, look at that fishing hole...  You know, this is going downhill for a really long time.  You know what that means, don't you?  We weave along the road.  There are some cars coming through.  It is Sunday and lots of rafting going on.  Trucks either with rafts, or with empty raft trailers come by, as do a few cars.  We have owned the road up till now, but it is pretty easy sharing it.

Spouse is starting to worry about the ride back.  When we get to the turnoff for Sage Creek, he turns around.  I continue on to the memorial, which was about 2 miles more.  It is a shame that the property is abandoned.  This memorial will fade away I guess.  These were 2 men just about 24 years old that were heli-firefighters.  It is a touching memorial that obviously cost some money.  It is sad to see the property degrade.

Now comes the daunting ride back.  It really is not that bad.  Yes it is a little uphill, but I am not even using my easy gears.  It is so easy to pedal when you have so much eye candy to look at.  I pedal.  I pedal.  I pedal.  Ok, it is getting a little long here.  Oh wait, I am coming to the abandoned mine.  This was our turnaound point the other morning.  I pedal.  I pedal.  I pedal.  The bald eagle is still there.  I thank it for watching over me on my ride and tell him he can go fly now if he wants, and darned if he didn't take off!  I pedal.  I am at the Newland Ranch now and I am pedaling, and pedaling.  Only about a mile to go... Up the last hill... and down the last hill.  As I ride past the general store, there is my spouse fidgeting with his phone after he enjoyed his post exercise ice cream.  It seemed a little longer coming back but it really wasn't all that bad.  Back to Hannah we go.

Afternoon vignette: 

Rest. There is nothing like a good shower after a good workout.  The bikes are now loaded onto Hannah and ready to go.  Tomorrow we move on.  We weren't planning on coming to North Fork, but we are so glad we did.  It was so easy to spend 5 days here, but we think we will head to Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and maybe the Grand Tetons.  We shall see...

Vodka tonic.  Make dinner.  Eat dinner.

Nighttime vignette: 

There are a bunch of little gnats or something flying around as we are reading in bed.  Then this bigger critter lands on my arm.  Naw, we are not gonna do that!  Rudy, come here!  He comes, he sniffs.  I flinch and it jumps onto the bed.  Rudy paws.  It moves.  Rudy paws some more and moves it under the covers.  Oh, we are NOT going to do that!  Spouse grabs it and smashes it.  Rudy looks like he has been crushed by his paternal human!  Tough...

Our laptop is acting a little weird.  I sure hope it lasts through this trip.

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