Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Sunday, August 21, 2016 Somebody's been fishing in OUR hole!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

My humans are taking me on long walks.  When I see the weird mousies, they let me go free to chase them.  Those mousies are real fast and the run real high in the trees.  I can only go so far, but one of these days... I will get me one of those mousies.

After a slow start, Spouse headed to 'the' fishing hole.  I walked along the road to meet him.  There was another car there.  How rude is that!  They were leaving as I walked up.  When I started towards 'the' hole, Spouse called me from upstream.  He told me those guys were at OUR spot!  When we got there, we could see where they cleaned their fish (our fish!).  Would it be fished out?

I only got one nibble and Spouse got nothing... then I saw it...  SPOUSE!  Did you see that sea monster?  I guess it is more of a river monster...  I think it is a salmon!  It is huge!  Spouse didn't see it and probably was thinking I am crazy.  I cast my bait over the beast... no action...  About 5 minutes later, Spouse yells 'Wow!  there is a big salmon right there!'  He casts and casts.  The beast scoffs at us!  Ha!  You slackers, I scoff at you...

Now, I could turn this into a really big fish story, but the truth is... we didn't get one nibble after that and picked up our stuff and left, leaving the monster fish to meet us downstream later this week...

The rest of the day was spent at leisure, running a few errands and doing some Hannah cleaning.  Tomorrow, we head to the O'brien campground - off the grid.  The day started out smoky, and by the end of the day, it was really smoky.  It seemed like dusk and it was only 4:00.  Ugh...

We did give Rudy some treat time today.  He has been eyeing the little chipmunks here.  So we let him off the leash to chase a couple.  They ran up the trees screaming, but Rudy never even got close.  But, we will let him have his delusions, just like we have our delusion about that huge salmon...

Also, there are three things my spouse should NOT have:

-too many pockets in his fishing vest

-too many buttons in the car

-a smart phone.  Yes, he has become one of 'those' people...

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