Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Tuesday, August 23, 2016 Rudy vs. Rodents

Tuesday, August 23, 2016
It is cold and my paternal human dragged me under the covers.  Normally, it has to be my idea to be put in this situation, but I am betraying my feline heritage and staying snug and warm.  I know I should leave, then come back and make him take me in.  I ought to be ashamed of myself.
Another cold morning, around 30 so we saw on the weather yesterday.  It is hard to go fishing when you can't feel your hands.  So, I guess we will stay in Hannah while the heat is on and it is warm and toasty.  Once the sun came up, we figured it would warm up.  Well it did, but it was probably noon, so we suffered in the cold.  What made it worse... we saw fresh boot prints at OUR fishing hole!  Did they fish it out?  We sure as hell didn't catch anything so we went to the other side.  This side is rocky and quite the challenge to climb around carrying fishing poles.  There is also a lot more stuff to snag on, as Spouse found out on his first cast!  He did catch a fish, but it caught on a rock as he was bringing it in and off it swam.  After a few more nibbles, we gave it up and came back.
We finally did our walk around noon.  There is a road that goes by the campground to a place known as the Robinson Bar Ranch, home to Carole King.  It is a little over a mile and there is a trailhead there.  The trail will take you all over the region if you want.  Spouse has a bad knee so he wasn't interested in doing the trail, so I thought I would take the trail just to the top of the ridge.  This is not a trail you want to do by yourself so I kept it short.  It is a narrow steep trail.  For the short time that I used it, I had to stop 3 times to catch my breath, but at the top was a stellar view of the ranch.  There are several cabins and a main megahouse, a huge pool.  The river runs alongside and mountains flank the entire property.  Quite the spread.  On my way down, I am sure I heard the creaking sound of a door, only it was coming from the direction of the forest.  Needless to say, I jogged back to Hannah, passing my slow spouse!

It was warm in the sun so we enjoyed a little camp time.  Rudy is going absolutely bonkers with all the chipmunks and squirrels.  We have him on a leash, and the critters come right up to him.  He doesn't know what to make of them.  We are quite surprised that he is being so tolerant.  That is until we let him off the leash... he took off after them and showed them who is boss.

Our night time fishing was uneventful.  But there are others in the campground.  One couple was the same couple we met last year!  I guess it is time to share another campfire with Jeff and Mary Pat Harris of Cinncinnati.  They are about our age, and are tent camping for several weeks at a time.  We watched as they set up camp, just like we used to.  A great visit and a beautiful night sky.

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