Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Monday, August 22, 2016 I caught a bridge! Betcha you never did that!

Monday, August 22, 2016

Dear Rudy:  At night, when you jump on the bed, there is a gravitational force at work which results in you doubling your weight and your size.  You essentially become an ocelot.  Given that, I ask that you please do NOT manipulate me onto my back so that you can lay across my legs or my bladder.

Dear Maternal Human:  You are my human and I will do with you as I choose.  Where is my food?

OOOh, it was cold last night, low 30's.  It took a while before we went for our walk.  Another smoky day with the Sawtooth beauty obscured.  Today, we leave the Elk Mountain RV park and move on.  The RV park is for sale, so who knows if we come back here if it will still have the Mayberry charm.  I doubt it.

So north we head on 75 past the town of Sunbeam and to one of our favorite campgrounds, O'brien.  We like the upper O'brien, the lower is closed already.  There are only about 10 sites here.  Our favorite spot is taken so we have to make do with another one.  This is not a campground where you can easily manipulate a trailer, but we find a space that can handle our size.  Oh darn, we are perched above the Salmon River and have to look at those rapids...  Come to find out that those intruders in our spot packed up and left!  Oh well, we are not moving now...  I would not recommend this campground for any rig larger than ours.  We barely fit going across the bridge.

We get our fishing gear together, hoping the pools right behind our site would be good.  It is terribly windy and too fast for us so we head back under the bridge.  I am so good at tangling line.  I look at a pole sideways and the line tangles up.  I cast, the line tangles... as I untangle the line and start to bring it in, voila!  A trout!  Easy as pie, right?

Casting a line is artwork, especially in the wind.   I have no natural ability for this.  It is a wrist thing.  Guys have so much more experience with that wrist thing; they start at such an early age, if you know what I mean.  I find I am way more accurate casting backhanded.   When I cast forward, I have caught rocks, logs, bushes and even a bridge!  Now that was something.  It went up and over the bridge and the lure was dangling down through the slats.  How the heck was I going to get that line back up?  I slowly started reeling it in and sure enough, the lure caught on the slat. I released a little line and reeled in again and it actually came up and out!  I could not believe it!  But now, even with the wind, I am getting the line out there, backhanded.  Did I mention it was windy?  And smoky?  AND WINDY!  Hey, I caught my dinner, I am game to go... and so we did.

I must admit, I am not much of a fisherperson.  I won't put live bait on the hook:  Spouse has to wormify my line:  I won't take the fish off, or clean it or cook it.  I can't make eye contact, I am a wuss.  Spouse is ok with doing all that.  Spouse gets me all outfitted with a vest with all sorts of dealybobs, most of which I probably will never use.  I would have said ALL of it I would never use if that fish didn't swallow my hook and I had to redo my line.  Sure enough, I had to reach into my pocket, and pull out the box of dealybobs and use stuff.  If I need something, I could always go into his vest - the vest with a million pockets... never mind!

There are gazillions of chipmunks here taunting Rudy.  Tomorrow, mein liebchen...  you will have some fun!  They are making a mess on our door mat throwing pine cone shells all over.

We are the only ones in this campground.  We are seeing so many campgrounds that have already closed for the season.

The flowers on my cattleya are just about done.  It was a natural decline, not from the miles of bouncy torture I have bestowed upon them!  The flowers on my dendrobium have about another week or so.  They are not liking these cold mornings...

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