Saturday, August 27, 2016

Friday, August 26, 2016 Salmon gets the truck washed

Friday, August 26, 2016

I want off my leash.  I sometimes walk around things to get all tangled so my humans will get frustrated and turn me loose.  They have to untangle me.  It hasn't worked yet, but I will keep trying.

Another sunny and clear morning.  It is not too cold.  After a bit of coffee, I was able to don shorts and go for my walk up the beauty road.  Ahhhh, obviously walking, you can't get as far as biking, but I love it just the same.

Today, we are going into the town of Salmon, about 20 miles south.  It is the birthplace of Sacajawea and there is all sorts of Lewis and Clark history.  It is a decent sized town with a Chevy dealer so we can get our oil changed under the warranty. The best part of that is that they wash the truck, and after all the dirt roads we have been on, that is a really good thing!  Spouse gets a part for our leaky faucet at Ace Hardware, then we walk the main street.  Little stores and restaurants line both sides of the street.  Oh we need one of those, and one of these too.  We stop at the Mexican restaurant for lunch.  Spouse then pretty much dumped my leftovers in the truck... he was none too pleased...  Neither was I!  There is a rodeo in town this weekend.  We went to it last year.  I am not fond of rodeos.  To me, it is basically torturing animals for human entertainment.  Not my thing.

Here he is being one of 'those' smart phone people...

When we got back from the beautiful ride back, Spouse did the repair job on the faucet.  The new part is in, but the thing still leaks...  He will have to deal with this when we get home.

Now is time to enjoy my vodka tonic and the scenic river...and let Rudy tangle himself on the stairs or the chairs or Hannah's legs, or...

Oh look, there are some deer...

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