Thursday, August 11, 2016

Wednesday, August 10, 2016 Windy and steep, hold on to your cookies

Wednesday, August 10, 2016


My humans left me all day, then they come back and expect me to be all full of purrs!  HAH!  I will give them stinkeye...  Oh!  they are letting me go outside!  yay!  I think...  watch for spooks...


OOOH it was a cold morning.  Even Rudy crawled under the covers during the night.  I wanted to get up, but Rudy was snuggling on me.  I waited for Spouse to get up and turn on the heat.  Once Rudy gets up to supervise Spouse shaving, then I will make my move.

We decided to try a shortcut on our morning walk.  We had seen our neighbor cross the creek to the other side where the trail is, so we thought we would do that instead of walking all the way to the street.  This way we would be able to go further down the trail.  Spouse gets his walking sticks so we can use them to rock hop across the water.  Hmmm, neighbor was Shaquille O'neal feet tall with really long legs... not so for us... if I step on that rock there, I know I will slip as it has moss on it.  So I stand with both walking sticks in the water, my butt sticking out, left foot anchored, and my right foot not willing to make a 2 foot jump!  Shaquille made it look so easy!  Hmmm, lemme try that rock there... Lower to the water but no moss..  Success!  I pass Spouse's walking sticks to him... he gets a wet foot.  He must not have the same butt action I do!  Oh well.  Once across, we now need to climb the hill to the trail.  I am definitely under-tall.  I try to get some footing and Spouse has to give me a shove up before my feet take hold.  It is steep, and the footing is not stable.  I am afraid to stop forward momentum for fear I will slide back down.  We ultimately make it with pounding hearts!  We both decide right then that we are NOT taking that path back!  Shaquille must have some yeti in him to make it look so easy!  But, for us, further into the forest we walk.  Soft trail, trees, the creek...  Ever so pretty.  The trail goes for over 70 miles, but we just do a mile, maybe a bit more, then head back.


Time to ready Hannah for departure.  Her batteries are low, we need to get to an RV park and get her clean and charged.  We head north on 39, which is a beautiful ride.  My suggestion for those that have a fear of heights - take this road from the north to the south!  We are taking it from south to north, and there are a whole lot of steep dropoffs!  And when you have a big rig and a narrow road, it is not for the faint of heart!  Also, when the sign indicates to slow to 15mph - SLOW TO 10 MPH!  Outside of that, it's a piece of cake!  Alpine mountains tower above beautiful meadows and creeks.  This is truly a scenic ride.  Some of you may not know this, but my Spouse's name has been used as a verb.  'To Doug' means to drift to the right.  You may use it like 'Watch it!  Don't Doug the curb'.  He was having to really watch his Douging as there was no margin for error on this road!

The road lets out in a stunning valley, surrounded by rugged piney mountains.  Glaciers have cut out stunning moraines creating a breathtaking landscape.  We land in the town of Joseph.  It is a cute town with flower boxes on every corner.  We eat, get Rudy a new collar (pink, what an indignity!), get some groceries and head back to Hannah.  Today, our friends Jake and Lynn are meeting us here.  We met them a couple of years ago in Nova Scotia.  We went fishing in Prince Edward Island and did some exploring.  We visited them last year at a winery in western Oregon.  They are passing this way and the timing works.  Sharing dinner and playing cards... Once again, Spouse wins our laundry money!  Oh Baby Cakes, you are all mine!




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