Saturday, September 24, 2016

Friday, September 23, 2016 And the golf prize goes to....

Friday, September 23, 2016
I think I want to lay on my paternal human.  No, let's try the maternal one.  Ok, let's go back to the paternal human.  Naw... gotta be the maternal human.  Let me rub face and mark her as my territory.
Today is our last day here.   Last night, the storm was so violent, I thought I would go outside and see what kind of damage there was.  Oh my, Rudy, I don't think we are in Kansas anymore... I see pars, and birdies, and eagles and even a hole in one...  Oh wait... do I have to wake up????
We spent the day cleaning Hannah, so that when we get home, we can just unload her and put her up.  It was a nice relaxing day.
At our banquet, we learned that we are sucky golfers!  We knew that, it was just reaffirmed.  But we did win some skins.  That just means we had a decent hole at the right time!  So be it!  We will take money any way we can.  One of the teams Spouse was on did well - my heroes!  Once again... 4 rounds of golf and not a single hole-in-one...
My left arm is sore from hitting out of the rough.   Time to give it some rest...  We come home tomorrow.
The traffic gods of Utah have a real sense of humor.  Not only do they make those stupid roundabouts so people don't have to make a left hand turn, but instead run into one another trying to get around, but at some of the major freeway intersections, they reroute the traffic.  They create an 'x' where you go on the wrong side of the road, then back all because some moron can't make a left hand turn.  It is so confusing.  California seems so... so normal!  go figure...

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