Friday, September 23, 2016

Wednesday, September 21, 2016 Raining at the Ledges

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Sometimes, my maternal human sits at the table and looks at this box thing.  She taps on it with her paws.  She also moves this... this thing that she calls a mouse.  It is the most boring mouse I have ever seen.  It doesn't move unless she paws at it.  What fun is that?  I knock it off the table to see if it runs, but it just lays there.  I don't get why my human is so interested in it.

Today we are playing the Ledges.  It is a couple miles west of St. George.  It rained some during the night, and it is cloudy and damp.  When we got there, the staff discouraged me from walking.  Since we are playing a scramble - it is not my own game - I relented and shared a cart with Spouse.  Seven holes later, I was glad as it started raining.  It wasn't a hard rain.  It was intermittent, but I needed to put on my jacket as it really cooled down.  I was glad I was wearing closed shoes.  I still walked a lot, using the cart as a caddy, but I was able to duck in when the rain started. 

When I go into a new golf course, I judge it before I ever go out to play.  I check out the bathrooms. It seems that the nicer the bathrooms, the nicer the course.  And these bathrooms were top notch... but the course???  Well, I guess it is nice, but there was lots of damage around the fairways on several holes.  And the greens were just ok.  And they did have an outhouse to use when out on the course.  It was so disgusting, I almost threw up when I went inside.  I held out till we made the turn at the clubhouse.  I would have gone in the chaparral before I would have gone back in that outhouse.  It seemed disgraceful to have that out there.

But our banquet will be here Friday night, in the nice bathroom area!

We had a decent team out there and had fun.  But in the bar afterward, Utah law says if you order a mixed drink, you must order food.  Really?  It was cool, I wanted a keoke coffee... guess we will have some nachos. Whatever...

For dinner, we went to a Gun Barrell Steakhouse for one of the gang's birthday.  I really don't like going into a restaurant with 50 people as it is impossible, but we made the best of it.  We purposely sat near people we don't normally hang with so that we could mix things up and it was fun.

The weather on TV says major thunderstorms tomorrow...  will our last game be rained out?  When we got back to Hannah, the rains came big time...  But says we will golf...  we shall see...

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