Friday, September 16, 2016

Monday, September 12, 2016 Onward and upward... soon anyway

Monday, September 12, 2016

Who is that feline and what is he doing with my humans?  Mrrrooooowwwwww!

Sometimes, I don't sleep well.  Last night, was one of those nights, so I came and laid on the couch.  The one good thing about being awake in the wee hours in the Great Basin is that you get to enjoy the night sky.  The moon has moved, so it is not illuminating the sky.  The stars are endless with the milky way.  It is beautiful.   Back to sleep... maybe...

The morning walk was a repeat of yesterday.  The path is wet from the rain.  You can see turkey tracks.  When we got back, we readied Hannah for her next adventure.  This has been a good campsite, with a creek running through it and a nice fire pit.

We leave the Great Basin and take 50 west.  We pass the turnoff to Osceola and Jack shakes as we go by... On to 93 south.  It is supposedly scenic; and it is scenic.  Mt. Wheeler towers over us on the east side.  There are other mountains to the west, with a huge, wide high desert valley in the middle with us on the highway.  The desert scrub is blooming with yellow.  The only problem... after 5 miles, it gets boring.  Only about 80 miles more to go.  Ugh...  I am driving.  There is a sign for a rest stop in a half mile...  Ok, we can stop.  The only thing is that the rest stop was in about 100 feet and I was going too fast to stop.  Oops!  That sets the Spouse bitch-o-meter to register!  He is hungry, look out!  We stop in the town of Pioche to make a sandwich, then continue on 93 till it hits 319 east.

The terrain is changing.  There are farms, and it is starting to look more like... Utah, I guess.  There is a red rock gorge and it is more arid, even when there are pines.  We have the town of Uvada in the GPS, only there is no town of Uvada.  Samantha tells us there is when we pass by a rock, but there is no sign of any town, or any road leading to a town.  It is a dot on the map, but it is all lies!  We thought of heading into the Dixie National Forest, but opted to go to Cedar City instead.  Tonite we will stay in an RV park, with electricity and water and sewer and internet.  And we will even watch a bit of TV!  Haven't done much of that at all!  Who is running for president?

A cute kitty came up to us and started talking.  We fed him.  Rudy was none too happy about it!



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