Monday, September 5, 2016

Saturday, September 3, 2016 Sprechen sie deutsch?

Saturday, September 3, 2016

I know it is my feeding time.  I am hungry.  I will stare at the cabinet where I know my food is.  I will telepathically tell my humans that it is time for them to feed me.  It is all about me.  Whatever else they are doing is inconsequential.  It is all about me.

Last night, it wasn't five minutes after we came in from sharing our campfire with neighbors Jerry and Carla of Colorado, when it started to rain.  Not hard, but it was pleasant listening to it falling on Hannah.  Around 2am, we got some lightening and a more powerful storm.  I wear ear plugs when I sleep so I don't hear Spouse, but I took them out to listen to the storm.  Unfortunately, I had to smother Spouse so I didn't have to listen to his snoring...

By the time we woke, the rain was over.  The streets were wet and it was cool.  We lazed with our coffee.  After my morning walk, I came back to Spouse doing some repair work.  Some caulking needed to dry.  So, off near the visitor center is a small hike to Swan Lake.  Although they say it is a bear trail, with all the weekend activity, I doubt that is an issue.  It is a soft trail by Jackson lake, then through a forest.  The lake is classic moose territory.  Lots of water plants floating in a beautiful lake surrounded by pines.  I am sure the moose took one look at the batch of kids near the shore and hightailed it out of there.

We decided to eat at the restaurant there.  They have wi-fi.  I brought the laptop so I could do my blog.  Such a luxury.  Afterwards, to the laundry house.  They have wi-fi too.  Down right makes it bearable!  Leave Spouse off the leash and the next thing you know we have a guest.  Rolf Diersch aus Leipzig, Germany will be going on our 4WD tail along the river road.

We pick Rolf up at the Jenny Lake Visitor Center.  He is bicycling around the world.  Wait, he has already done that, but he is doing more.  He is 33 and got into biking 6 years ago.  He has biked from Germany to Singapore, he has biked around Australia and South America.  He landed in Anchorage mid-may and biked around Alaska, up to Denali and through the Yukon, down through Canada.  Did some coast travel and now he is here, eventually ending up somewhere probably in Bolivia in April.  He likes to do at least 65 miles a day, but it is not unusual to do 100 miles in a day.  Tomorrow is an off day for him, so he is doing a 27 mile hike.  That ought to let his body rest...  Sure makes me feel small with my 4 miles a day!

The 4WD road we are on is a bit rough but goes along a ridge over the Snake River.  It is very scenic. We leave around 6pm, hoping to see a lot of wildlife, but all we saw were gazillions of antelope.  They have the cutest white butts!  We didn't finish till after dark and we took Rolf back then headed home.  This is NOT a good time to be on the road.  Watch out for that antelope.  I see eyes, watch out for that fox.   We slow, we see more eyes and it is getting ready to dart into the road, but thinks better of it, thank you very much.

Our own set of eyes was waiting for us when we got back, thinking he was going to get some outside time...  Dream on pussycat!

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