Friday, September 16, 2016

Thursday, September 15, 2016 Rudy loves his rodents

Thursday, September 15, 2016
I caught a mousie!  I caught a mousie!  I was outside with my paternal human and he dropped the leash so that I could run.  I ran right over to the bushes by the house and caught a mousie! I got to throw it in the air, and chase it.  Then it stopped moving.  I tried to get it to play with me some more, but it wouldn't.  So I left it.
Last night, we set the thermostat at 50 so that we wouldn't freeze during the night.  But, it wasn't even 9:00 and the heater was running.  At this rate, we would run out of propane and run down the battery... which we did both.  To top it off, I woke up with a terrible sinus headache.  I took drugs... it was dark.  The moon was hogging the night sky.  I hate headaches.  I dozed.  When Spouse got up, he switched propane tanks.  It was after 7 and someone else was running a generator so he started ours.  It was 42 degrees inside Hannah.  Ahhh, the heat... oh the headache... back  to sleep...  The drugs started to work, but they make me sleepy.  I dozed.  I swore I was going to get up, then I would drift off.  Finally, at 9:30, I felt good enough to get up.  I rarely sleep till 7:30 let alone 9:30.  The drugs...  they will keep me a bit slow all day, but it sure beats the pain.
We took our morning walk along a new bike path they have at the monument.  It weaves around a forest and you can get views of the canyon.  Even the subtle uphill climbs are getting me today, but we are at 10,000 feet, so I am not sure if it is my sinus thing or the altitude.  We come back for a brief lunch, then hit the road exploring. 
We took off towards Brian Head.  It is a ski area about 8 miles north of here.  It is bigger than I remember, with some new condos across from the lifts.  It is a forested drive.  We crest a summit at 10,420 feet.  There is a 13% grade going down the hill from our direction - not recommended for trailers.  I could imagine coming up this grade during ski season.  Now that is a slippery slope!

We followed the road down to Parowan, then got on the I15 south to Cedar City.  We ran a few errands - I got my hair cut (Sorry Daf, I couldn't wait any longer!).  Then we headed back to camp.  Rudy is awfully proud of himself.  He caught another mouse.  He was playing with it, but Spouse took him off of it before he could 'do the deed.'  The mouse will have one good story of survival...
Our campfire drew all sorts of folks from the campground.  Kathleen, the elderly chemist (who is tenting it next to our site) came by.  We heated her food and cleaned her dishes afterwards.  She wasn't banking on it being quite so cold. The Texan, he was so cold he was wearing a bathrobe over his jacket, carrying his glass of wine.  Another couple came over and Spouse regaled them with all sorts of lies... or maybe just half truths.  All the while... Rudy's pet was in the fire...

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