Friday, September 2, 2016

Wednesday, August 31, 2016 Golfing the Tetons

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

I really like this new place we are staying.  My humans took me for a long walk.  I got to roll in the dirt.  But then, my maternal human patted all the dirt off of me.  Why did she do that?  I was feeling pretty good till then.

This morning, we loaded up the golf clubs and headed to the Jackson Hole Golf and Tennis Club. It is situated in the valley near the airport, north of the elk refuge.  The Tetons tower over the course making for a scenic wonderland.

It is expensive to play here.  Just like Jackson - if it should cost $90, they will charge you double.  My thoughts are that it is a one time experience and just enjoy it.  I am not sure Spouse ever got over the sticker shock... He quit taking his score on the third hole!   The course is in immaculate condition.  The fairways are perfect, the first cut of rough is a bit challenging, and the second cut of rough can put you in the emergency room when you try to swing through it.  Surprisingly, being this close to the mountains, it is not very hilly at all.  But there are water hazards and chaparral hazards that make the course interesting.  And there are bunkers.   Spouse struggled all day.  I was ok for the most part, but my evil twin made a few appearances, and when she was there, she was REALLY evil.  The weather was perfect, maybe around 80 with white puffy clouds.  The fall colors are starting to splash in.  Pops of yellow on the aspens, and the undergrowths are starting to show the reds.  It made for a very pleasant day for me.   I still don't think Spouse is over the sticker shock.  To put it in perspective, we played golf in Banff which really sets the bar for beauty.  We played there at twilight, and it cost a bit less then here.  This wasn't quite in the Banff class, but every bit as expensive.  And alas... another round without  a hole in one...

Afterwards, we had our '19th hole' at a tavern in town.  We struck up all sorts of conversations with people from all over.  yakity yak yak yak!  And the best is yet to come... Thai food!  YUMMY!  As we were getting in 'Jack' ready to leave, the streets came to life with a staged shootout.  The Jackson Hole Playhouse had their cowboys and saloon girls doing their thing.

We finally made it back to Hannah with our own hungry beast awaiting his meal.  He missed his humans!

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