Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Monday, September 19, 2016 Sand Hollow with no evil twin!

Monday, September 19, 2016
My humans are getting ready to leave me again.  Will they be gone long?  Will they let me-owt?
Today we are playing Sand Hollow golf course.  It is a type of scramble format.  I am playing with Bruce.  As the only twosome, we have to tee off twice on each hole.  We then take the best drive, then play individually.  Bruce can drive the ball, but I am definitely the better golfer.  However, the drive is what we need so it worked pretty well.  We probably used about 10 of his drives, 8 of mine..
It is a beautiful course, run much better than yesterday at Coral Canyon.  It was a tad slow, but not bad.  I was hitting the ball a whole lot better.  There were some stunning holes on cliffs overlooking a valley with the Virgin River.

Spouse is playing with two guys that are known to hit some wild shots.  But when they are on, they can really win because their handicaps suck.  And with Spouse's handicap, they tore it up!  YAY!
A nice Thai/Japanese dinner...  mmmmmm....

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