Friday, September 23, 2016

Thursday, September 22, 2016 Enter Entrada, and wow, what a storm

Thursday, September 22, 2016
Me-owt, me-owt!  Oh wait... it's wet out there!  I want in!!!
At 2:30 last night, I woke up to listen to the pouring rain.  Hmmm, what will our day be... It was drizzly when we got up, and foggy, but I did see glimpses of the moon and a few stars.  We got ourselves ready and headed out.  It isn't raining.  The streets are almost dry and it looks like it may be possible that the clouds are starting to break up.  By the time we got to the course, I was convinced we could play.  The skies continued to clear, we are on.
We are playing a private course - Entrada.  It is in a beautiful valley surrounded by the Utah red cliffs.  Early, the tops of the cliffs are covered in a fog, but through the day, it totally clears and becomes a picture perfect day for golf.  And the location is incredible.

This is a fabulous course.  A few of the holes are surrounded by lava fields.  There is the right amount of challenge, the greens are diabolical.  Actually, if I were to play the course again, I think I would like the greens because they are true, just fast.  I played with three other ladies, one of them was way too serious and quite bitchy.  Good thing I wasn't sharing a cart with her. I enjoyed myself nonetheless.  My evil twin did show up on occasion, especially when I got in the rough.  That stuff was like trying to hit through velcro - it would grab your club and take control.  It was not pretty for any one of us.  And Bitchy had her fair share of shots from the rough.  And if I had known the course, I would have hit some of the blind shots in different locations.  But other than that, it was my favorite of the courses we played here.
After enjoying the 19th hole, we headed back to Hannah.  What's that smell?  Is that propane?  Crap!  Somehow the oven knob got turned to 'light pilot' and Hannah was filling with propane!  We had the windows opened already, we opened them more and grabbed Rudy and went outside to let it air out.  That could have gotten ugly.
As we sat there, the winds started kicking up.  Then they REALLY started kicking up.  THEN THEY REALLY STARTED KICKING UP!  With Hannah aired out, we turned on the TV and severe weather warnings are being broadcast.  There was a tornado that touched down in Ogden - way north of here.  Then the thunder and the lightening.  Did I mention it was windy?  For about an hour, Hannah rocked while this wicked, violent storm passed through - AFTER we finished a picture perfect day of golf...  Timing.... yes!

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