Monday, September 12, 2016

Sunday, September 11, 2016 Osceola, really? Ely, really...

Sunday, September 11, 2016

This morning, my paternal human took me outside first thing.  I got to roll and sniff.  My trick from yesterday worked.  They are so easy to manipulate.

Last night's astronomy presentation was interesting.  The Great Basin is certified as a 'dark' location.  It is actually one of the best locations in the country to view the stars.  Even though there was a half moon last night, we could still see the milky way.  They had telescopes set up.  We viewed Saturn as it is tilted on its axis so you could really see the rings.

For this morning, our hike took us on a foot path up to the Upper Lehman campground.  There are two directions in this park.  Up and down.  So, up we went meandering by a creek.  The campground is being renovated and is quite nice.  There are a few spots RVs could fit in, but it is geared - as they all are - to tent campers and small rigs.   There were a bunch of people bird watching, but other than that, the place is deserted.
The view from Upper Lehman

We decided to check out the town of Ely, about 65 miles from here.  There is the Osceola ghost town on the way, so off we go.  I am driving.  When we turn onto the road to Osceola, it is a dirt road about 7 miles back.  Most of it has been graded in the last decade so it isn't bad.  The last mile or so is a bit bumpy.  We have our route in Samantha and we see an old building behind a locked gate.  About 500 feet later, she tells us we have reached our destination on the left.  It is a bush.  But the building we passed is not accessible.  Is that it?  We drove 7 miles off road for a single building we can't go look at?  We see a couple of workers and they said a fire wiped out the other buildings and this was about it.  But instead of retracing our steps, he said the road goes to the highway in about 4 miles.  So we continue on.

Then Samantha tells us to turn left.  We look ahead at the road and we are thinking that this looks like the right way.  But she knows where we are, right?  So, like a couple of idiots, we put our trust in this psycho bitch and turn left.  The road is smaller and rougher and there is a dropoff on the right.  My hands are sweating.  Of course, Spouse has to tell me how to drive.  'You are getting too close to this edge, the shoulder might collapse.'  'Spouse, I am hugging the hill on my side, I can't move any more to the left'.  Hah!  Now he knows how I feel when he is driving, especially when he 'Doug's the curb'.  It is getting ridiculous.  This can't be right.  Spouse is bitching, like I could do something about it.  There is no place to turn around.  I finally told him he could drive and we switched places.  Within a minute, the road got a bit better, but where is it going?  Samantha dumped us a few miles ago. She has no idea where we are.  Another fork in the road... great.  Oh well, let's take the lower one.  We finally see the highway way out yonder.  There is hope!  We follow the road, twisting and turning.  Then as we see we are heading towards the highway, Samantha comes on and tells us to turn left in one mile, like she has been there all along!  She can't be trusted on dirt roads...

Back on to 50 - the loneliest road in the country.  There is no traffic.  It is high desert with hills and mountains, so it is quite pretty.  We climb the Connors pass and follow the hills and valleys past a prison that we don't see.  The 'No Hitchhiker' signs are prominently posted.

Ely is a mountainish town.  There is the old side of town, with a couple of small old casinos and storefronts.  But it is Sunday, and everything is closed.  We are essentially all alone.  We cruise the town on the other side looking for a place to eat.  We stop at a small casino where we had a good meal, and gambled just a tad - broke even.  We asked if it is always this deserted and we were told yes! 

We stopped at the grocery store for a few things.  Lots of hunters in camo.  The few I talked to were not happy that they hadn't bagged any deer.  RUN BAMBI RUN!

Got back to a little rain.  No campfire tonite!

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