Saturday, September 24, 2016

Saturday, September 24, 2016 There's no place like home

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Oh oh... my humans are moving things around.  I guess I will have to go into the little house that moves.  I guess I will get some sleep.

Today, we head home.  We got Hannah ready, I did a short walk and on the road we went. It is 434 miles to home.  What will we find when we get there?  My nephew Crew is taking care of the place... or is he...

The boring ride was uneventful - which is a good thing.  I get home to some very dry plants - not an ounce of toilet paper in the house (good thing I noticed that before I went into the bathroom), and he was busy trying to get things together knowing we would be home.  I gave him a 2 hour notice...  He is to be living with us till January - should I allow him to live that long. 

I gave my plants a little water - I will give them a lot more tomorrow, and take inventory on some of the losses.  I see so many had bloomed while I was gone, and one of them that is blooming now has never bloomed for me before.  I guess neglect can be good...

Oh well, next year, I will have one of my orchid friends take care of things.  Now to unload, clean, and adjust to life in the house that doesn't move.

And one more thing... The Dodgers are on TV with Vinny...  YES!

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