Tuesday, August 16, 2022

August 10, 2022 On to Howard

Wednesday August 10, 2022  On to Howard

Last night, I cuddled with my maternal human.  I can fit in some tiny spaces and I cram myself up against her so I can feel secure.  But sometimes she moves, then I have to move.  I am not sure why she does that.

Spouse came with me for much of my morning walk.  We found a trail that took us along the Gunnison River, then by a pasture along some mobile homes.  Most of the homes looked abandoned.  They were pretty run down.  One of them had a beautiful deer statue… wait… that is a really good statue as its eyes and head are following me.  And look! Two fawns are frolicking behind her.  I could have sworn it was a statue!

Back at Hannah, we readied her for the 80 mile trip to Howard.  We did a thorough cleaning then hit the road east on Hwy 50.  This topography is odd.  The hills are barren.  They are brown with no trees.  Yet the meadows are lush green with meandering streams.  Gunnison is about 7800 feet in elevation.  As we  near Monarch Summit, we finally see trees.  Forests of pines with scattered aspens as far as the eyes can see.  Monarch Summit is about 11,300 feet.  There is a ski area near the top.  As we descend, the trees thin.  The Arkansas River runs along and the terrain reverts somewhat to high desert scrub.

We are staying at the Pleasant Valley Rv park.  We saw it last year and liked it.  Our rig backs right up to the river.  Kathy and Brian are right next to us, and Jake and Lynn are one rig away.  We will all be together for the next couple of days before we go our separate ways.  There is no cell service, but there is a WI-FI hot spot.  I will write, but not sure if I will post for the next few days.

After we set up, we had a great experience.  We went over to the dumpy café across the bridge… and we discovered paradise!  Home cooking at reasonable prices!  The place is old, but it is clean and the food is heart attack food.  We split a burger and fries – fresh beef and fresh fries.  I told Kathy about the home made pies and after hours of drooling just thinking of it, we went and got a few pieces and brought them back.  We are already planning breakfast and dinner there tomorrow!

Spouse and I split a blueberry a la mode… then went for a late bike ride… burn those calories…  Full moon tonite, or close to it.  What a sight!  And can you hear the river behind us?  Yesssss…. 

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